Archive for the ‘old bread’ Tag

What’s in Your Cupboard?   Leave a comment

What-is has no bearing on what is coming unless you are continually regurgitating the story of what is. By thinking and speaking more of how you really want your life to be, you allow what you are currently living to be the jumping-off place for so much more. But if you speak predominantly of what-is, then you still jump off —but you jump off into more of the same. – Abraham

I’ve been thinking a lot about acceptance today, and how what we want is often thwarted by that which we think is possible (or not) and/or the image we hold of ourselves.

I had a psychic reading a few months ago, (if you who don’t believe in such things, keep reading, there may be something here for you) and struggled to understand the meaning of two sentences that were significant, but that the psychic had forgotten to explain, and that I forgot to ask about until long after the reading was over. Although I spent a lot of time contemplating the words the sentences contained, their meaning escaped me. Until I attended an event with Tony LeRoy (a psychic I saw on the Dr. Oz Show) a couple of weeks ago.

The  sentences?  “You are eating day old bread. They want you to have fresh bread.”

Now, you may be savvier than I am, and have already interpreted the meaning. But it took sharing the sentence at Tony’s event, and sitting next to a woman I didn’t know, to put it into context. The meaning she deciphered? That perhaps the “day old bread” represented beliefs and attitudes that no longer served me, and the “fresh bread,” symbolizesd new beliefs and attitudes that allowed my greater good to flow to me.

Her interpretation made perfect sense.

For me, the old bread contained ingredients that had long gone stale:  lingering thoughts that I am not enough, don’t have enough, etc. – typical of conditioned beliefs we have all held true at one time or another.

Day old bread can include our beliefs about money, relationships, the economy, work, health, and anything else that limits us. Although we may clean the cupboards, it takes consistent effort and conscious awareness to keep the dust away. An essential ingredient, should you desire to create a few freshly baked loaves, is to use the word “allow” as leavening.  And remember, you’re always free to change the recipe.

Here’s one you can use as a starter:

Today, I allow the blessings of the Universe to support me. I say yes to new ideas, new opportunities, and to the wealth of love, joy, health, and abundance that express in, as and through me. I now allow the Universe to surprise and delight me! And for this good, I do give thanks.

As always, I would love to hear from you. To comment, click on the “Comments” tab at the top of the page.

Theresa Conti is a Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Presenter with more than 25 years experience in the healing field. She is the author of “I Am the Treasure,” a book of inspirational poetry, and creator of “Harvest Your Light,” a guided meditation program. Theresa specializes in helping her clients regain their energy, boost their confidence and create a life they love. For more information, please visit Theresa’s website.

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