Archive for the ‘Qualities’ Tag

Wednesday’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool): Going Deeper   Leave a comment

Dear Friends,

This week’s TNT provides a tool to help you delve deeper into clarifying and manifesting your heart’s desires.

Wednesday’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool): Going Deeper

One of the greatest lessons I received while training as a Science of Mind Practitioner at the Center for Spiritual Living in Seattle was learning to delve more deeply into what it was I wanted.

I learned that on the surface, we may say we want a relationship, a car, a new career, more friends, but underneath the “thing” we want is often something deeper. For instance, underneath a relationship may be a desire for love, companionship or connection. Underneath the desire for a car, may be a wish for greater freedom and flexibility. A new career, may grant greater expression of our gifts, talents and abilities. The “thing” we want may seem to satisfy our needs, but underneath each of these examples are qualities that, when experienced, would enrich and bless our lives.

As a Science of Mind Practitioner, I have been trained in the use of Spiritual Mind Treatment, also known as affirmative prayer, to support myself, and my clients, in bringing about the manifestation of a stated desire.  Treating (affirming or praying) for what lies beneath the surface opens, rather than limits, the possibilities for satisfying our desires in a way that is unique to the person who is treating (affirming or praying) or being treated (prayed) for. The Universe knows far better than we how to satisfy our needs. The key is being open to receive something different than what we expect the  answer or solution to be. The same is true with any kind of healing. If we’re looking for something in particular, and have blinders on, we may miss the guidance or blessing.

The next time you have a need or desire, I invite you to delve deeper, and discover what lies beneath the surface. You may find the results of your prayers and intentions open a new field of possibilities that you’ve never even dreamed of.

If you would like to learn more about Spiritual Mind Treatment or schedule an appointment for a Treatment, please contact me at

With love,


As always, I would love to hear your comments or experience with the tool. Just click on the “Leave a Comment” tab next at the top of the page.

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Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator. She helps her clients identify and realize their greatest dreams and desires and create happier, healthier more fulfilling lives. For more information about Theresa’s coaching programs or Reconnective Healing services, please visit her website, email her at or contact her at 917-478-1722.


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