Archive for the ‘Reconnective Healing’ Tag

Choosing Happiness: The Path to Serenity   Leave a comment

Ever since I heard your name, it’s been running through the streets trying to find you.” – Hafiz

I was first introduced to the question, “Would you rather be right or happy?,” as a student of A Course in Miracles, back in the 1980’s. It was a profound turning point and changed the way I viewed my relationships and my perceptions of life.

The mind is riddled with judgment and loves to be right, which, more often than not, occurs without our conscious awareness and creates conflict within ourselves and our personal and professional relationships.

The state of the world, and the stress we experience, often stems from our thoughts and perceptions.  What would happen if we suspended our judgments for just one day and created the space to listen to, and understand, one another? 

How would our lives, and the lives of others be different, if we extended love and compassion instead of expecting others to think and do as we do? And, what, if in the greater scheme of things, we developed a newfound understanding that resulted in more connection, peace and togetherness, rather than separation?

Suspending judgment doesn’t mean we forgo our needs for love and safety. Rather, it calls for questioning whether our judgments and opinions about ourselves, and others, are accurate, or if there’s a need for greater appreciation and acceptance?

Want to experiment? Try the following exercise:

1. Choose one day during the week to observe.

2.Stop at regular intervals to take note of your judgments and perceptions.

3.Choose an activity that you engage in throughout the day, such as answering your telephone, using the restroom, or getting a drink of water, to serve as a reminder to stop assess your findings.

4.Take a breath and notice any stress or discomfort in your body, as you take note of your thoughts and judgments.

5.Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is what I’m thinking or judging true? Is it always true?
  • Is what I’m thinking or judging based on my ideas and values, or perhaps someone else’s beliefs and interpretations that I’ve unknowingly adopted?
  • What, if anything, am I afraid of? 
  • Does what I’m thinking or judging stem from a past experience?
  • How else can I view the situation?

6. After reviewing the above questions what, if any, insights, are you aware of? 

Our happiness stems from within and is waiting to be found. Perhaps it lies in valuing our differences.

With love,


I was born and raised in New York. I am a Certified Life Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner, Workshop Facilitator and Author with more than 25 years’ experience. My books include Alphabet Affirmations: Transform Your Life and Love Yourself and I Am the Treasure.

I specialize in helping my clients manage their stress and develop inner resources, like confidence, courage and resilience so they can live with greater ease, realize their goals and dreams and better meet life’s challenges. 

For more information and to schedule an appointment, email

Six Practices: A Pathway to Making Good Decisions   Leave a comment

 “The knowledge that you can handle anything that comes your way is the key to allowing yourself to take risks.” – Susan Jeffers, Ph.D.

Do you suffer from procrastination? Indecision? Have a difficult time knowing what to do? How do it? Or when? If so, you’re not alone.

Decision-making can be stressful. Weighing options, and the uncertainty that comes from stepping into the unknown, can make us question our thinking, elicit feelings of anxiety and stop us in our tracks. Whether you are concerned about the affects the pandemic will have on your future, are considering moving abroad and living as an expat in a new country or are wondering who to hire for that project that’s been sitting on the back burner, here are several practices I have developed to build trust and move us forward.

See which of the following six practices resonate with you. Try one or try them all.  Whichever you choose, each one will help to free a block that’s been keeping you feeling stuck.

Six Practices A Pathway to Making Good Decisions

Practice #1Let go. Release your expectations and painful outcomes from the past. Rather than obsess about what might happen, or what you did or did not do, choose to investigate instead.  Ask yourself: “What is there for me to learn from this situation?” I am a big fan of journaling and find the practice helpful. Perhaps you will, as well.

Practice #2:  When in doubt, don’t.  Forcing a solution before its time adds undo stress and can prevent new ideas from surfacing. Refocus your attention and give yourself, and the situation you are deliberating, some space. Trust that the guidance, answers and direction you seek will present themselves – likely when least expected.

Practice #3:  Face your fears. If you’re worried about making a wrong choice, start by making small ones.  Write your decisions down in a notepad or journal and begin taking small, manageable actions that lead you to your goal. Should you experience an unpleasant result, trust that you can handle it and re-evaluate the situation. People sometimes meet with failure before experiencing success. Look at Bill Gates and Colonel Sanders! ! Life may throw us curveballs, but don’t let fear keep you from moving forward.

Practice #4Reality check.  Make a list of all the good decisions you have made to date, and add to it daily.  Re-read as necessary to remember your successes.

Practice #5:   Do the next right thing. When feeling overwhelmed, rather than focusing on the big picture, chunk it down into small pieces and do the next right thing. This will reduce your anxiety and develop a foundation of trust. Each step will lead to the next, and will eventually guide you to where you’re meant  to be.

Practice #6: Appreciation. Acknowledge yourself for taking the actions and trying something new. Life is meant to be lived, one day at a time. Have fun and enjoy and journey!

With love,


 © Theresa Conti 2020


Theresa Conti was born and raised in New York. She is a Certified Life Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner, Workshop Facilitator and Author with more than 25 years’ experience.  Her books include Alphabet Affirmations: Transform Your Life and Love Yourself, and I Am the Treasure.

Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, and develop inner resources, like confidence, courage and resilience, so they can live with greater ease, realize their goals and dreams and better meet life’s challenges. She offers a 30-minute complimentary consultation to get acquainted, discuss your goals , and see how you might work together. She can be reached at

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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool): Remembering Joni Mitchell   2 comments

July 28, 2019

“You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.” – Joni Mitchell

The lyrics to Joni Mitchell’s song, Big Yellow Taxi, has been swirling around my head this week.

It’s been a rough, but inspiring time, filled with various losses, as well as joy and excitement. My niece, Tami, unexpectedly passed away on Monday from heart failure. The news came as quite a shock to everyone, as she seemed to be recovering well after a standard procedure. She was 49 years old. A good spirt. Tough. Resilient. Loved and cherished.

The week also included transitioning from my apartment in Cavana, where I’ve lived for two plus years, and moving my belongings to a friends’ soffitta (attic / storage unit), as one of the owner’s family members has returned to Trieste and will be moving in to my apartment.

Life is constant change, and along with change often comes feelings of sadness and loss, as well as anticipation and delight for what may lie in front of us. While I am grieving the loss of my niece, and my home, I am also feeling deep appreciation for the gifts that both have given me. Love. Safety. Joy. Beauty. Strength. Harmony. Adventure. Challenge. Growth, and so much more. And, as I reflect on the past, I am also aware of how easy it is to take the people we treasure, and the experiences we cherish for granted; overlooking how precious life is, as it is occurring.

As the I-Ching informs us, there is another side to each and every experience. With every loss comes a birth, and with every change an opportunity.  For instance, I’ve had the honor of supporting my niece, “J,” in developing the resources within herself to ask for what she needs and wants as she is reaching out to family and friends for the help and support she requires; something she’s been afraid to do up until now. As a result, she is growing confidence, resilience and courage.

As for me and my living situation, while I haven’t yet found a new apartment, the pieces came together to spend the month of August in Amsterdam; a place I’ve been wanting to visit for quite some time. By Divine Design, I was gifted with multiple synchronicities so that my expenses for the trip, including lodging, airfare and ground transportation to get there will equal what I was paying for one month’s rent in Trieste. Quite the deal! And several friends have offered a couch or bed when I return to Trieste in November, if needed. (I’ll be traveling to New York and Seattle, WA after my European trip to visit my son and take care of some personal business; hence the extended date.) And while grieving and exhausted, I am reminded that Life is truly magnificent.

I am so grateful for the care and support that friends and acquaintances have shown me, and trust that my niece, Tami, is now transitioning to a new phase of life, yet to be discovered.

THIS WEEK’S TNT: Remembering Joni Mithcell

This week, take some time to reflect on how you’ve grown or what you’ve learned as a result of a personal challenge or loss.

For instance, I cherish my beautiful niece and the energy with which she blessed  the earth.  I am also grateful for the two plus years I’ve lived in my apartment in Trieste.

Reflecting on these experiences helps me heal and fills me with love and appreciation. They also help me accept what is, stay in the present, and open to the future.

What do you appreciate about your experience?

Grief has many faces: anger, denial, depression, bargaining and acceptance.  Let your feelings surface, whatever they may be. Appreciate and honor all of it.

Then when ready, reflect on what the situations and people in your life have provided you.

Notice the good feelings and let them fill you and soak into your body. Love. Peace. Belonging. Pleasure.  Like a cleansing balm, the vibration of appreciation can renew and heal you.

With love, Theresa

Disclaimer: Theresa Conti is a not a licensed therapist or medical doctor. The coaching services and exercises provided by Ms. Conti and Reconneting2You are not a substitute for medical care or mental health counseling and are done at the user’s risk.

PS: If you’re a fan of Joni Mitchell and/or you’d like to hear her sing Big Yellow Taxi, you can watch her perform by clicking on the link at the bottom of the post.

As a Certified Life Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner, Workshop Leader and Author with more than 25 years’ experience, it gives me great pleasure to help my clients grow the resources they need so they can flourish and lead the lives they desire. I look forward to working with you.

For more information and to schedule an appointment email Coaching and healing sessions are available internationally by Skype and telephone, and in person in Trieste, Italy.

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Happy Mother’s Day to One and All! And Quotes to Inspire.   Leave a comment

Dear Friends,

Wishing a Happy (now belated!) Mother’s Day to all the mom’s out there!

And, as we all give birth to the ideas, dreams, and the lives we create, we are all mothering something. May you give birth to the gifts and talents you are here to share and treat them with loving care.


Hear Your Own Music – Dr. Eric Pearl

It’s been more than 100 years since Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Mother’s Day a national celebration in May 2014.

As women, we can take pride in having birthed our children, and more extensively, in the gifts we have shared with the world through the very nature of our being.


We all have special gifts and talents to share. So, in our own way, we are part of the creation process, giving birth to new ideas through our words, our thoughts, our actions, and the visions we hold for ourselves and for the world. The things we create, whether tangible or not, are like our children, and we must care for and nurture them in order for them to excel and grow.

Whether we give birth to something tangible that we can hold and touch, such as a baby, a book, a product, or birth something such as peace, love and gentleness, when we act from inspiration and from the core of our being, our creations bring greater Light, Love and Joy into the world and are part of our personal callings. They feed us, as much as, or more than, they feed and nourish the world.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes. May they inspire your creations:

“Begin to practice taking small steps, doing the things you’ve avoided doing before, experiencing little “risks” and “little” adventures until your love of doing what you want and your experience at taking risks makes you confident enough that living your biggest dream is only one more little “risky” step.” – Barbara Sher

“Everyone has a unique purpose in life…a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.” – Deepak Chopra

“Success comes when you move unerringly forward. Rejecting all that tends to distract you from your master plan.” Catherine Ponder

“Think of your work life not as separate from your spiritual life, but as central to your spiritual life. Whatever your business, it is your ministry.” – Marianne Williamson

“What scares you can free you when you start taking steps to have what you truly desire.” – Theresa Conti

Wishing you a very happy, healthy, joy-filled Mother’s Day! May all of your relations be filled with joy, peace, beauty and love.

If you know someone who found this post helpful, please share.

For more resources, please check out my books, Alphabet Affirmations: Transform Your Life and Love Yourself and I Am the Treasure on Amazon.

With love, Theresa


Theresa Conti is a Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, Workshop Leader and Author with more than 25 years’ experience. Theresa specializes is helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams, and create happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.

For more information and to schedule an appointment email Coaching and healing sessions are available internationally by Skype and telephone, and in person in Trieste, Italy.

Connect with me on:


Facebook at:



Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool): The Universe Answers The Call   Leave a comment

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

I had just finished listening to an audio program on gratitude when my doorbell rang. I answered with “Pronto,” (an Italian phrase equal to saying “hello” in English when answering the telephone or Campanello di casa). It was a courier delivering a book I had ordered on Amazon.

The audio program included many aspects of gratitude, including those I’ve often shared in my blogs. In addition to citing the benefits of having a gratitude practice, such as strengthening the immune system, reducing anxiety and improving sleep, the presenter also talked about general practices of gratitude, like being thankful for the sunlight, small pleasures, and appreciating the people around us.

Now, I’m really good at appreciating others for the gifts and blessings they provide me, including their friendship, support, generosity, and the general sense of well-being I receive from knowing them. What struck me, however, was the presenter’s suggestion to turn the process around by noticing what people appreciate about me. Duh! A novel idea! So, at the end of the program, I decided to pay more attention and take in the good feelings of being appreciated by others. The universe never ceases to amaze!

So, after buzzing the delivery man in, I went down to the ground floor to meet him and retrieve my package. He asked me where I was from, and when he pursued the conversation, I told him I speak just a little Italian. That’s where the serendipity came in! It turned out that he’s originally from Naples and speaks perfect English. We had a short, though delightful conversation about places we’ve lived or visited. The kicker? At the end of our chat he told me that he would like to talk more and that he was so happy to meet me! We decided to have a coffee sometime in the future!

I climbed the four flights of stairs back up to my apartment with a smile from ear to ear. I took in the good feelings of being appreciated and let them saturate my body. The universe certainly delivers!


This week, pay attention to the way the universe supports you.

What have you been wanting?

Asking for?

Are you open to receiving it?

If not, ask the universe for healing whatever’s in the way.

Then, begin developing an awareness for the good in your life by recognizing the small things that are coming your way.

Take a moment to stop and give thanks for them.

Let the good feelings soak down into your body.

What we appreciate, appreciates, both within our lives and as resources we grow within us.

A - Appreciate

For more resources, please check out my books on Amazon.

As always, I’d love to hear about your experience, should you decide to try the process.

With love, Theresa




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Reducing Holiday Stress: Say “No” to Get to “Yes,” Plus 2 Days Left   Leave a comment

Dear Friends,

Do you find it easy to say “Yes,” to others’ requests, but hard to say “Yes” to yourself?

Do you have a vision or intention for how to spend your holidays, but get hijacked by requests that you have a hard time saying “No” to?

The holidays can be a time of joy and cheer, as well as elicit feelings of stress and pressure.

While we may enjoy all that the holidays offer as we attend parties and other events; decorate our homes; shop for special gifts; visit friends and travel to see relatives and; make our favorite holiday recipes, among other festivities, we can also feel stretched and experience a strain on our time, energy, and financial reserves.

We may rationalize our decision to forgo our own needs, because we don’t want to offend our friends and family members, or risk disapproval from those we love or value.

But saying “No” provides an opportunity for others to grow, and care for themselves, and respect your personal needs.

Here are seven tips, and related questions, to help you gain clarity and take care of yourself this holiday season:

1. Take Inventory

– When are you saying “Yes” when you would rather say “No?”

– Are there particular circumstances or people who present a challenge?

2.  Be Mindful

– How does it feel in your body when you say “Yes” instead of “No?”

– Pay attention to stress and tension.

3.  Is what you fear will happen really true?

– How do you know?

– Is what you’re afraid of happening absolutely true?

– Regardless of what has happened in the past, this is a new moment.

– How can you take care of yourself if what you’re afraid of actually happens?

4.  What is saying “Yes” costing you?

– Are you tired and forfeiting rest?

– Do you have the financial resources to travel or buy expensive presents?

– Do you want to attend the events you’ve been invited to, or go out of obligation and later feel angry or resentful?

– What other costs might there be?

5.  Are you willing to pay the price?

– If you’re answer is “Yes,” do so with awareness. What will the payoffs be?

– If your answer is “No,” what could you do instead” (See #6 below)

6.  Saying “No” takes practice

– If you’re feeling nervous about expressing yourself, you may find it helpful to write down what it is you want to say.

– Then practice with a friend, a coach, or even in the mirror!

7.  Moving Forward

– What qualities do you need to grow inside yourself in order to feel comfortable setting healthy boundaries?

– Reflect on a time you were presented with a challenge and took care of yourself by setting a healthy boundary.

– Notice how the positive sensations feel in your body, and let the feelings flow through you.

– You can also think about how you felt – perhaps you felt a sense of confidence, or felt secure or empowered.

– Let the good feelings soak in as you stay with the experience for five to 20 seconds.

As always, I would love to hear from you.

With love,


If you found today’s post helpful, please comment and share.








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Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, Workshop Facilitator, and author with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams, and create healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives.  


Facebook at:



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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) We Are Beacons of Light   Leave a comment

“Shine your light and make a positive impact on the world; there is nothing so honorable as helping improve the lives of others.” – Roy T. Bennett

I am reading the book “The Power of You,” by Chris Michaels. I have just finished the first chapter. The book is about our relationship with the Divine – the spiritual Presence we know by many names: God, Spirit, Creator. What we call “It” doesn’t matter.

We are all Divinely connected. Individual and unique expressions of Life; each with our own gifts and talents, and capacities for loving and giving. This is how we can truly change the world – by following our bliss; our dreams; our goals; and knowing there is a Divine Presence that wants the best for us. We are Its channels.

We add value to the world, and make a difference in the lives of others, by the simple things we do.

I recently sent a small amount of money to an elderly relative who is living on social security, and a small amount of food stamps. It’s something I learned from my father, who always impressed me with his generosity and I now follow in his footsteps, when I feel called and inspired to do so. Not from obligation, but from a place of loving presence.

We are beacons of light. We have the power to love, to heal, to care for and to bless one another, through our words, our actions, and the very essence of who we are.

I received a message from my relative the other day thanking me, and letting know that my contribution made a significant difference to her sense of security and well-being. It was a small gift, but it meant the world to her.

Our acts of kindness don’t have to be financial – they can be whatever we feel guided and inspired to do, moment by moment. And in doing so, we lift the lives of others, and ourselves, and increase the vibrations of love and well-being on our planet.


What’s one act of kindness you can do today to make a difference in someone’s life?

It can be an act of kindness to someone you know or to a perfect stranger.

Notice how good it feels to contribute to another’s sense of well-being.

Not from obligation, or winning favor, but from a spirit of love and generosity.

And what we give will come back to us in ways we may never fathom. Like a sacred circle.

Try it for a day, a week, a month, a lifetime.

Little by little, our acts of kindness can, and do, make a difference.

It’s all a matter of practice.

If you like, try using the following affirmation from Chapter 11 of



Then let your heart fill with love, and like a soothing balm flowing through you, let the good feelings fill your body.

As always, I would love to hear your comments, and how this week’s TNT works for you.

With love,


“Alphabet Affirmations: Transform Your Life and Love Yourself” is an empowering process that can help you change your thoughts and create greater health, happiness, and fulfillment.


Alpha V2


Don’t have a Kindle? No worries! Download the free app and read on your Smartphone, computer or tablet.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Author, and Workshop Leader with more than 25 years’ experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams, and create greater health, happiness and fulfillment. She is trained in positive psychology, neuroscience, practical spirituality, among other modalities.

Connect with me on:


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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Focus on the Positive   Leave a comment

We all experience discouragement from time to time. The key, when in the midst of challenge, is learning to focus on the positive.

“If you keep saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of being a prophet.” – Isaac Bashevis Singer

It’s easy to feel frustrated when things don’t go our way, or take longer than we wish. We may become discouraged, and think that what we long for will never come to pass. Over time, if we don’t change the course of our thinking, the things we tell ourselves will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If you would like a different outcome, and one that leads to your success, tell a different story, and shift your focus to your wins.


Keep a journal of all that’s going well.

At the end of every day, add a daily entry.

It will help to change your focus and increase your happiness and energy.

Need some ideas? Here are a few to get you started:


Caught an early bus, and made it to work on time!

Saw a friend you hadn’t seen in a while and enjoyed a lovely visit.

You saw a job posting in your field of interest, and filled out an application.

The sun was shining!

You took loving care of your body, and ate a nourishing meal.

You spoke up for yourself at a meeting.

Your car started!

Get the idea?


Try it for a month. Then, notice any changes in your outlook and your life.

It doesn’t matter how large or small the good things you notice are.

The benefits are yours to enjoy, and will come with daily practice.

With love, Theresa

Need help changing your thoughts and words?

“Alphabet Affirmations: Transform Your Life and Love Yourself” is an empowering process that can help you change your thoughts and create greater health, happiness, and fulfillment.


Alpha V2


Don’t have a Kindle? No worries! Download the free app and read on your Smartphone, computer or tablet.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Author, and Workshop Leader with more than 25 years’ experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams, and create greater health, happiness and fulfillment. She is trained in positive psychology, neuroscience, practical spirituality, among other modalities.

Connect with me on:


Facebook at:




Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Practice Kindness   Leave a comment

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” – Desmond Tutu

I took a bus ride to Aurisina a few days ago – a small town about 15 km from Trieste, in the karst part of the commune of Duino-Aurisina, where I often hike along the Rilke Trail – as I had an appointment for a medical exam.

I noticed a woman, somewhere in her 50’s or 60’s, I would guess, who had gotten up from her seat several rows behind me to stand by the door at the front of the bus, although I didn’t know why. I settled in for the 45-minute bus ride, activated the Duolingo Italian program in my cell phone to keep myself occupied, and looked up along the way to take in the lovely view of the Gulf of Trieste as we progressed up the hill toward my destination.

I lost track of the woman standing at the front of the bus, until we both got off in Aurisina. As this was my first time there, I wasn’t sure where to go, and was scoping out the area. The woman from the bus saw me looking around and came over to direct me. Although she didn’t speak English (and I little Italian), we found a way to communicate, and I followed her, as we were both going in the same direction.

Although she was called before me, I finished my exam first, and walked outside to catch the bus to Duino, where I planned to stop for a coffee and walk the Rilke Trail, as it was such a beautiful day.  I missed the bus by seconds, and was waiting for the next one, when the nice lady who helped me appeared and crossed the street to catch the bus that was heading back to Trieste. Her bus approached, but it pulled out before she got on, as she stopped to ask me if I was coming! Our eyes met, and we each shrugged our shoulders in recognition of what had just happened, then she came over to my side of the street and decided to ride with me to Duino! We laughed and talked as best we could, and enjoyed the 20-minute ride. I found out she also likes walking, as she asked me if I would like to get together to go hiking sometime. We exchanged phone numbers, and I heard from her this morning.

We never know when and how connections will be made or what their purpose is. The people we meet along the way provide us with whatever we need at the moment, we do the same for them. It’s one of Life’s gifts and blessings.


Be open to opportunities to connect with the people around you.

You may not know what gifts they bring or those you’re there to share.

If you like, experiment with using the following affirmation from Chapter 11 from “Alphabet Affirmations: Transform Your Life and Love Yourself:”

“My heart is open wide. I spread Kindness everywhere I go.”

Soak in the good feelings as you think of  a time you experienced someone’s kindness or a time when you were kind.

Let the feelings fill your body for two or more breaths.  And notice how your energy shifts.

Then be open to the possibilities Life provides you to connect with those around you.

With love, Theresa



“Theresa’s book and techniques will help guide you on your path to transformation. When you create a life you love and are grateful for your life, mind, body and spirit receive the love message and all benefit.”   Bernie Siegel, M.D., Author of 365 Prescriptions For The Soul 

“A beautiful and simple concept – as easy as ABC! This sweet book offers a creative way to counter the leanings of the mind and provides exercises to stay buoyant and positive — and it offers a section to add even more affirmations to the mix! How cool is that? A great book to have on hand as a reminder that every moment is a new moment and it “affirms” that one can transform their thoughts and their lives in a quick minute. My favorite letter is Q!” – S.G.


If would you found this week’s TNT helpful, and would like to support my ongoing work, please visit my Virtual Tip Jar at PayPal.  It’s here:
Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, Author, and Workshop Facilitator with more 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams and create happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

Read the rest of this entry »

Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Grace, Plus Special Announcments   Leave a comment

“I do not understand the mystery of Grace – only that it meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it found us.” – Anne Lamott

I recently had the opportunity to support a friend who is struggling with uncertainty and change, something I’m sure most, if not all of us can relate to, especially in these turbulent times.

Yet, by whatever name we call it: Grace, The Universe, Energy, God, Love, Source, or something else, there is a power for good at work in our lives, but it’s up to us to quiet our minds and connect to it.

I felt a deep sense of compassion as I listened to my friend talk about the lack of direction she has been feeling about where to move, as she can no longer stay where she is living. I woke the following morning inspired to share a prayer from A Course in Miracles (ACIM):

God, show me where you would have me go,

What you would have me do,

What you would have me say,

And to whom.

My friend and I continued to email and kept our conversation going. I was later inspired to send her an entry from my e-book, “Alphabet Affirmations: Transform Your Life and Love Yourself,” which seemed to deeply touch her. It comes from the letter “D.”

“I am Divinely guided and make Decisions that Delight me!”

My friend wrote back thanking me, and told me she was almost crying as she read the affirmation, and shared that clarity seemed a very distant and vague idea. She was comforted by my words.

Grace comes in many forms. An inspiring word, a hand extended from a friend, an unexpected gift or blessing.

It’s easy for the mind to focus on what’s wrong and not see the the miracles that are unfolding right before us.  A few days ago a friend told me had coats she is no longer using and asked me if I wanted them. She knew the zipper on my jacket had broken and I hadn’t yet found a replacement. We met for coffee a few days later and she brought the two coats with her. They are exactly what I had been looking for and appear to be brand new.  I so appreciated her kind and generous gesture.

As Jean Houston likes to say, “What we appreciate, appreciates.” As we reflect on the good in our lives, it opens up the channels for Life’s grace and blessings to flow to us.


Notice where you are feeling stuck or experiencing a lack of clarity or direction.

Then, for the next week, take note of the good things occurring in your life.

Start your day by expecting something wonderful!

You might like to practice standing with eyes closed and arms outstretched, while repeating the following affirmation:

“I am now open to receive all of Life’s blessings.”

Then see what happens!

The blessings will likely come in unexpected ways.

Take time to reflect on them and soak in the good feelings,

And open to Life’s ever-present Grace.

With love,





If would you found this week’s TNT helpful, and would like to support my ongoing work, please visit my Virtual Tip Jar at PayPal.  It’s here:
Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, Author, and Workshop Facilitator with more 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams and create happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Trust Your Gut   Leave a comment

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you’re heading.” – Lao Tzu

Change can be both exhilarating and scary. Whether we wish to change careers, sell or purchase a home, move to a new city or country, begin or end a relationship, or do anything that’s new, the future is unknown and can prompt feelings of fear and insecurity.

A few months ago, I had a chat with an American woman who has been living in Trieste for 15 years or so. She works for an American support organization, and has watched people who have relocated from abroad come and go. I had been feeling a bit lonely the day I saw her, and was longing for connections on a deeper, more personal level. She said I was at a crisis point, wondering if I would ever learn the language, make closer friends, establish a clientele, learn the subtleties between cultures, etc. I felt like she was a mindreader and was inside of my head! The thing that helped me most was when she said that what I was feeling was common and the point at which most people left and returned home. Wow. Although I had no intention of moving,  it made perfect sense and gave me a new perspective.

The challenges that come with change are true with any endeavor. The reptilian part of our brains are hard-wired to keep us safe, so we’re bound to question our decisions, and wonder if we’re on the right path when feelings of doubt and insecurity rear their frightening heads. Our ancestors were on alert for their physical safety, and had to fight or flee when their environment was threatened.  In modern times, the “old” brain kicks in when it perceives an emotional threat, and can stop us in our tracks.

I still feel lonely and insecure from time to time, however, I remind myself that what I’m feeling is natural; take a breath; reach out for support, when needed; and move on.

Fear is a common occurrence and something we are bound to experience when we stretch our comfort zones and embark on something new. The key is recognizing where the fear is stemming from, and tapping in to our Inner Strength and the wisdom of our guts.


What change have you been wanting to make, but have been afraid of doing so?

On a scale of “1” to “10,” with “1” Not At All Important and “10” Extremely Important, how important is the change you wish to make?

What’s holding you back?

Notice the feelings that emerge. Are you scared, excited, happy, terrified?

Are the thoughts that you’re thinking true and serving you? Or are they assumptions based on beliefs that are trying to keep you safe?

Take a breath and call on your Inner Wisdom.

What feels right for you to do?

Ask your gut, not your head!

What brings a feeling of deep peace and inner contentment?

Your gut will serve to guide you.

With love, Theresa

Need help changing your thoughts and perceptions? 

“Alphabet Affirmations: Transform Your Life and Love Yourself” is an empowering  tool that may help you make the changes you desire, and create a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Available on Amazon. 

If would you found this week’s TNT helpful, and would like to support my ongoing work, please visit my Virtual Tip Jar at PayPal.  It’s here:
Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, Author, and Workshop Facilitator with more 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams and create happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Just Say “No”   Leave a comment

“Although it may feel uncomfortable to think about saying no, it’s important to remember that each time you say yes to someone, or something else, you say no to you and your priorities.” – Oprah Winfrey

We want to be kind. We want to be loved. We want to give because it feels good, and we want to be generous with our gifts, talents, abilities and time. But how often do we say “yes” to requests from friends, colleagues, family members, and others, when we know, within our heart of hearts, that it means taking time away from caring for ourselves?

Saying “no” can conjure up feelings of guilt and shame, because we may think it’s self-centered, and be afraid that others may judge us. But people learn how to treat us by how we treat ourselves.

Giving and receiving is an art of balance. But how can we achieve it? Change begins with awareness. Are you aware of how often you say “yes” when you would rather say “no?” The answer may surprise you!


This week, make not of how many times you say “yes,” when you would rather say “no.”

Keep a record in a small notebook or make a list on your phone.

Notice how you feel when you say “yes” to something you don’t want to do.

Do you feel resentful, angry, frustrated, stressed, or exhausted?

Your body is giving you clues!

At the end of the week, add up the number of entries in your notebook.

Then,  make a list of five things you would like to say “no” to.

Start with something small.

You don’t need to explain or justify yourself.

Don’t know what to say?

Here’s a rule of thumb you can follow:

Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don’t say it mean.

Learning to say “no” takes practice. But you can learn how to say it.

The more you practice, the easier it will become.

You will feel better, and while some relationships may fall away, others will deepen and grow.

As always, I would love to hear your comments about how this week’s TNT worked for you and what it is you discovered.

With love, Theresa

If would you found this week’s TNT helpful, and would like to support my ongoing work, please visit my Virtual Tip Jar at PayPal.  It’s here:

Is there a goal or dream you would like to fulfill and would like support in moving forward? It would be my pleasure to speak with you. Email to schedule a Complimentary Coaching Consultation. Available internationally by Skype and U.S. telephone.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams and create happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.



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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life   Leave a comment

“Every thought you have makes up some segment of the world you see. It is with your thoughts then, that we must work, if your perception of the world is to be changed.” – A Course In Miracles, Lesson 23

How would your life be different if you changed your thoughts and the words you use?

Whether we know it or not, our words have power and what we give our attention to grows.

I heard a TEDx Talk by Carolyn Myss a while back entitled “Choices That Can Change Your Life.”  My biggest take-away was giving away one word from my vocabulary and never using it again. The word that immediately came to mind was “can’t.” gave it away several months ago, and have rarely used it since.***

We often hold ourselves back from the lives we want without realizing we’re doing it. Our words, and the strategies we use for coping with the world around us, may keep us living smaller than we desire. We may think the worst will happen if we pursue our dreams and goals and settle for what we have rather than embrace what it is we want. Our perceptions are often based on past experiences or conditioning, which has nothing to do with living in the present moment.

Since I’ve given up (or at least reduced!) the word “can’t” from my vernacular, I’ve noticed how my life is expanding and how I’ve become more bold. Like everything, it is a work in progress, as life continues to unfold.

Our words, thoughts, and behaviors are intimately connected. The more conscious we become of what we say and do, the more freedom we have to choose.

Want more love, joy, and abundance in your life? Try out this week’s TNT!


Pick a day to pay attention to the words you commonly use.

Notice the effect they have on your behavior.

For instance, if you tell yourself you “can’t,” how does it limit you, and what effect does it have on your life?

When you have completed your observation, choose one word to give away for the remainder of the month.

What changes do you notice?

Have fun with it!

Remember, it’s progress not perfection!

As always, I would love to hear your comments about how this week’s TNT worked for you and what it is you discovered.

With love, Theresa

***You can imagine giving your word away to a trusted friend who will take and transform it, or imagine placing it in a pink bubble and releasing it, or whatever else feels right.

If you found this week’s TNT helpful and would like to support my work, please visit my Virtual Tip Jar at PayPal.  It’s here:

Are you in transition?

Would you like help addressing an issue you’ve been grappling with?

Is there a goal or dream you would like to fulfill and would like support in moving forward? It would be my pleasure to speak with you. Email to schedule a Complimentary Coaching Consultation. Available internationally by Skype and U.S. telephone.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams and create happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.



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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool): It’s Okay   Leave a comment

“When you finally accept that it’s okay not to have answers, and it’s okay not to be perfect, you realize that feeling confused is a normal part of what it is to be human.”  – Winona Ryder

It’s okay to feel how we feel.

It’s okay if you feel afraid.

It’s okay if you feel lonely.

It’s okay if you feel frustrated.

It’s okay if you feel angry.

It’s okay if you feel resentful.

It’s okay if you feel like things aren’t working out the way you planned.

It’s okay…

When we accept, rather than resist, how we feel,  we make room for the feelings to shift, and for peace and balance to follow.



When you are feeling upset or tense, notice the sensations in your body.

Do you have a headache?

Are you experiencing pain in your neck, back, or shoulders?

Do your muscles feel tight?

Are you clenching your jaw?

Does your stomach hurt?

Are you experiencing other physical or emotional symptoms?

Take a deep breath and acknowledge your feelings.

It’s the first step on your path to recovery.

Acknowledging your feelings will help you reconnect to yourself, and allow solutions to follow.

As always, I would love to hear your comments about how this week’s TNT worked for you and what it is you discovered.

With love, Theresa

If would you like to support my ongoing work, please visit my Virtual Tip Jar at PayPal.  It’s here:

Are you in transition?

Would you like help addressing an issue you’ve been grappling with?

Is there a goal or dream you would like to fulfill and would like support in moving forward? It would be my pleasure to speak with you. Email to schedule a Complimentary Coaching Consultation. Available internationally by Skype and U.S. telephone.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams and create happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.



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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Affirmations: The Power of Our Words   Leave a comment

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” – Oprah Winfrey

Although we may be accustomed to thinking that our minds and bodies are separate entities, the truth is that they are intimately connected and have an effect on our behaviors and our experience of the world.

For instance, let’s say you have a conflict with a co-worker or family member and are uncomfortable addressing it.  Here’s how the scenario might go:

Thought: I am afraid of conflict.

Feeling: Fear, anxiety, resentment

Behavior: Avoidance, aggression

Physical response: Shallow breathing, stomach pain, tight muscles

When we change our thinking, we change how we feel about the situation or person, which then alters our behavior and how we physically feel.

In my workshop, Developing a New Relationship with Your Body, I facilitate a kinesiology exercise that proves the point.  I ask a volunteer to come to the front of the room and extend their dominant arm in a horizontal position. I then ask them to resist my pressure as I press down on their wrist and test their strength. They always test quite strong.

Next, I ask them to close their eyes and repeat the phrase “I am weak and helpless” 10 times. (I always do the counting!) When done, I ask them to extend the same arm and I retest their strength. The volunteers’ arms, without fail, become weak and fall limply by their sides. The class is always quite astonished.

In the final phase of the exercise, I ask the volunteers to repeat the statement “I am strong and powerful” 10 times, with eyes closed, and instruct them to soak in the good feelings. I then retest their strength. It sometimes takes volunteers a few tries to regain their original strength (such is the power of our negativity bias), but they always do, and often feel much stronger then they did at the beginning of the demonstration.

Affirmations are a powerful way to change our mindsets and improve our lives.  In my upcoming book, “Alphabet Affirmations: Transform Your Live and Love Yourself,” I provide 78 empowering affirmations to help you create a more joyful and healthy life. Pre-orders are coming soon!

In the meantime, try the following experiment:


Pick a day to pay attention to your thinking.

Make note of your dominant thoughts.

Notice how you feel.

Choose one thought that diminishes your sense of well-being.

Write an affirmative statement to refocus your thinking.

Soak in the good feelings.

Notice any difference.

Use the affirmation as often as needed.

As always, I would love to hear your comments.

With love,


Is there a goal or dream you would like to fulfill and would like support in moving forward? It would be my pleasure to speak with you. Email to schedule a Complimentary Coaching Consultation. Available internationally by Skype and U.S. telephone.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams and create happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.



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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Be Bold   Leave a comment

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” – Goethe

The term “bold” still scares the bejesus out of me – or at least the part of me that’s afraid of being eaten by tigers! And…the little kid in me who feels afraid of the unknown and wants to feel protected and safe. But that’s not who I am. The former dates back to prehistoric times and is no longer valid. The later stems from childhood and is the part of me that needs comfort and soothing. If you have similar feelings about the word “bold,” the same may be true for you.

Who we are is often more than we give ourselves permission to live up to. Change involves risk – after all, one never knows the future – or the results of the actions we take. Our primary goal is to follow our inner calling and act with confidence and faith (or act as if we have them!), as we take a breath and begin moving forward.

A question I have found helpful for myself, and often ask clients who are unhappy or dissatisfied with their current life experience is:

“What will you regret not having done when you’re lying on your death bed?”

The answer is readily apparent, when we are open to listening. And when we don’t, we will feel out of balance, and may experience depression and physical symptoms.

For me, it meant letting go of my home in New York, selling my belongings, leaving family and friends, and fulfilling my dream of relocating to Italy; re-establishing close and healthy relationships with my family; and, using my gifts and talents to be of greater service in the world. Goethe’s quote is accurate – my life is expanding and my dreams have, and are, coming true. And yours can, too.

It takes guts to move our dreams into action. But that’s what leads to greater happiness, fulfillment and magic. Are you ready to begin?


Ask yourself:

“What will I regret not having done at the end of my lifetime?”

Write your answer down and place it where you can easily see it.

Reflect on it daily.

Make a list of what it would take to accomplish.

Create an action plan to realize it.

Take the first step and open to the magic.

You’ll know you’re on track when the energy starts flowing.

If you get stuck, reach out to friends, professionals, and colleagues you know will support you.

As always, I would love to hear your comments.

With love,


Is there a goal or dream you would like to fulfill and would like support in moving forward? It would be my pleasure to speak with you. Email to schedule a Complimentary Coaching Consultation. Available internationally by Skype and U.S. telephone.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams and create happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.



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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Living In Your Sweet Spot   Leave a comment


I first heard the phrase “Sweet Spot” uttered by my father in relation to the number of strokes he could swim in the Atlantic Ocean. The phrase stuck with me through my childhood and re-emerged several years ago when speaking with a colleague about where in the world to live.

I love closing my eyes and imagining living in my sweet spot, whether it be related to work, a relationship or an adventure I would like to take. Visualizing my sweet spot elicits feelings of love, prosperity and a deep sense of joy and fulfillment.

We all have our personal sweet spots – some that we know of and some yet to be discovered.

Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Living In Your Sweet Spot

“Life is too short to waste time in the wrong place.” – Joel Osteen

Are you in a job, a relationship, or other situation that drains you? Do you wake in the morning dreading the day? Do you settle for less because you’re afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone and taking a risk that jeopardizes the life you’re accustomed to? Or are you tired of the same old, same old, and ready to try something new?

The status quo provides a measure of safety, but it comes at a definite cost.

When I was in my early 20’s, I was in a dysfunctional marriage and was afraid to leave, because I wasn’t sure I would be able to support my son and I. Looking back, it’s clear to see that when I was ready to take a leap of faith, and file the papers, the universe was there to catch me. I have experienced this phenomenon repeatedly. Most recently when I left New York and began a new life in Trieste. Although your intentions may be different than mine the same can happen for you.

Change can be both exhilarating and scary. It opens new doors, provides new opportunities, and helps us flourish and grow. However, when fear or doubt set in, we may unconsciously sabotage ourselves by thinking the worst, rather than the best, case scenario.

In his book, “Hardwiring Happiness,” Rick Hanson, Ph.D. writes the following:

        “…in general, the default setting of the brain is to overestimate threats, underestimate opportunities,  and underestimate resources, both for coping with threats and for fulfilling opportunities. Then we update these beliefs with information that confirms them, while ignoring or rejecting information that doesn’t.”

I find Dr. Hanson’s research empowering.

Making a major change can present challenges and leave us feeling vulnerable. However, challenges also come with breakthroughs. For instance, I am in the process of making new friends and speak little Italian. I recently told a few acquaintances that I had been feeling lonely and asked if they would like to get together for dinner or an aperativo. Voila! The next day, I was invited to go sailing! (Hence, the delayed Tip ‘N Tool!)

Being vulnerable may feel uncomfortable, but it can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment.


What change would you like to make in your life?

Write down your vision in detail.

Then close your eyes and imagine it has already happened.

Let the good feelings sink in for 10-20 seconds.

Repeat as necessary.

It will change your vibrational chemistry and open new doors and opportunities.

When you find yourself doubting the possibility, remind yourself that it’s only a belief and connect with people who support you.

As always, I would love to hear your comments.

With love,


Is there a goal or dream you would like to fulfill and would like support in moving forward? It would be my pleasure to speak with you. Email to schedule a Complimentary Coaching Consultation. Available internationally by Skype and U.S. telephone.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams and create happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.



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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Compassion   Leave a comment

“Love and compassion are necessities not luxuries.  Without them humanity cannot survive.” – Dalai Lama

I have been using a deck of Angel Cards designed by Joy Drake and Kathy Tyler as part of my morning meditation since the mid 1980’s, when I was introduced to them at my first Reiki gathering at Breitenbush  Hot Springs in Oregon. Last Friday, I choose the Angel of Compassion. I had just experienced a misunderstanding with a friend and presumed the card was meant for us. So I thought of him, and then myself, and sent us each some love.

I was in Rovinj, Croatia at the time, on a short vacation, and had been eating at a restaurant that served a healthy breakfast and was removed from the throngs of tourists. But on this particular day, I wanted to sit by the water and decided to try a new cafe. As I finished my breakfast, and took my supplements, I happened to look behind me and saw a man sitting alone, who asked if I was taking medication. I said “no,” and explained they were vitamins, and part of my health routine. We then struck up a conversation. I learned that he was from Belgium and that his wife had died two months ago. He explained that they used to go to Rovinj for their annual vacation. He said he wasn’t sure what he was doing there or if he made the right choice in coming. He then begin to cry. I thought of the Angel of Compassion and opened my heart. I tried to give him words of comfort and understanding. We talked for some 10 to 15 minutes.

We never know where life is taking us or why we are led to certain places or people. Perhaps there is a higher order prompting us to go where we are most needed or to those who can provide the help we seek.


Notice where you feel compelled to go or with whom to meet or speak with.

Trust your intuition to guide you.

Notice the results.

Your instincts will get stronger the more frequently you listen.

As always, I would love to hear your comments.

With love,


Is there a goal or dream you would like to fulfill and would like support in moving forward? It would be my pleasure to speak with you. Email to schedule a Complimentary Coaching Consultation. Available internationally by Skype and U.S. telephone.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams and create happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.



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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Adjust Your Sails   Leave a comment

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” – Jimmy Dean

Change can be scary, and fear of the unknown can keep us stuck in our tracks. To the outside world we may appear to be happy and comfortable. But are we?

As you many of you know, I made a major change in my life earlier this year when I relocated to Trieste, Italy. Sure, I had fear, anxiety and doubts. Who wouldn’t? After all, I was moving away from friends and family and creating a total life overhaul. It took two years to get here, but one day, one step at a time, I made it. And so can you. Your dreams may be different than mine – perhaps you would like to learn a new skill, take an art or dance class, change jobs, begin or end a relationship or pursue any number of goals that you have put on the back burner.

Our brains are hardwired to think the worst. It’s a survival mechanism inherited from our ancestors and designed to keep us alive when lions, tigers and dinosaurs threatened our very existence. Despite the news, which focuses on sensationalism and negativity, statistics show that the world is safer today than it was in the past, yet we are conditioned to think the opposite.***

So what to do? And how do you adjust your sails to reach your desired destination when fear is keeping you anchored to your comfort zone? Is the change you would like to make really as threatening as it seems? To whom or what are you listening to? The ancient part of your brain or your inner wisdom, which is always for your greater good and happiness?


Set aside some quiet time. Have paper and pen handy. Take a few deep breaths and answer the following questions:

What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do, but were afraid of doing?

What’s the worst that could happen if you do it?

What’s holding you back?

Are the obstacles that are holding you back real, or thoughts you’ve come to believe are true?

What’s one thing you can do to move forward?

Are you ready to do it?

What’s one action you can take this week to pursue it?

As always, I would love to hear your comments.

With love, Theresa

***Check out Steven Pinker’s research online or read his book, “The Better Angels of Our Nature” to learn more about his findings.

Is there a goal or dream you would like to fulfill and would like support in moving forward? Email to schedule a Complimentary Coaching Consultation. It would be my pleasure to speak with you. Available internationally by Skype and telephone.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams and create happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.



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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Generosity   Leave a comment

“We are not held back by the love we didn’t receive in the past, but by the love we are not extending in the present.” – Marianne Williamson

Life constantly shows us our level of generosity.  We may experience a sense of lack and limitation, or feel generous and abundant, all within the same set of circumstances. Our responses depend upon our beliefs and perceptions, at any given moment. The good news is, the more aware we are of our reactions and behaviors, the more at choice we are to change.

Withholding love in all its forms is painful. It stems from fear and gets in the way of giving and receiving, which is our natural state of being. Withholding love can show up in myriad ways: we may feel anger or resentful; jealous or inferior; judgmental or confused; greedy or deprived; selfish or unkind; or experience numerous other emotions! Paradoxically, the more we give, the more bountiful our lives – when done with kindness and magnanimity.

If you would like to experience greater love and abundance in your life, extend your generosity!

This Weeks TNT:

Notice the places you hold back from giving. It may be as simple as not loaning a stranger your pen! Or not sharing your time, resources or experience.

Do the same with receiving. Notice how open you are to accept the generosity of others.

Be aware of how you feel in your body.  Are you comfortable with giving and receiving? Or do you feel tense and uneasy? Notice how you feel without judgment, to the degree that you are able.

If you would like to increase your level of generosity, ask yourself how you would like to feel and what you would like to do when given the opportunity to do it. You most certainly will have another chance! Little by little, you will expand your capacity!

As always, I would love to hear your experience and comments.

With love, Theresa

Do you have a dream or goal you would like to realize? Or would like support with a personal issue? Email to schedule a Complimentary Coaching Consultation.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams and create happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.



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