Archive for the ‘Freedom’ Tag

Our Freedom Resides Within   Leave a comment

First of all, Happy Spring! 

It’s always such a joy to watch nature unfolding – springing to life before our very eyes. I feel inspired as I watch the buds forming on the trees outside my window, or witness the flowers pushing through the earth while I’m on my daily walks. They remind me that like life, nature is unstoppable and always expressing itself, beautifully and freely.


“I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed thousands more, if only they knew they were slaves.”

Harriet Tubman

Last Sunday, I watched a video of Sadhguru that was filmed at a Youth and Truth Event in Delhi, India in 2018. What I heard reminded me of Victor Frankl and his book, A Man’s Search for Meaning, in which Frankl recounts his experience at Nazi concentration camps during WWII. His story is a poignant lesson that tells us regardless of the conditions we face, our freedom resides within. No one and nothing can inhibit it or take it away. 

I also found the precept true while facilitating a volunteer program at a maximum-security prison in Washington State. While many of the inmates felt they were in bondage, others found a sense of freedom through meditation, personal growth seminars, spiritual practices, artwork, and other mediums.  Many of the men I spoke with told me their imprisonment was the best thing that could have happened to them, because it caused them to stop, reflect on their lives, and experience an awakening that was impossible to find on the outside.  Choosing where to put their attention is what determined each inmates’ experience.

Years ago, Bo Lozoff, founder of The Prison Ashram Project and The Human Kindness Foundation wrote a book called  We’re All Doing Time; a telltale title that illustrates how our thoughts, beliefs and behaviors lead to corresponding outcomes– whether we realize it or not. So, how do we free ourselves from our own self-confinement?

First, by letting go of blame, taking responsibility for our choices, and forgiving ourselves and others for whatever pain or suffering we may have caused or experienced. This is the foundation that guides us on the road to freedom. It all starts with a decision, then Life steps in and guides our process.

As the famous Goethe quote advises:  Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Our healing, both personal, interpersonal and global is in our hands. Let’s begin it.

With love,


© Article and Photo Theresa Conti


I was born and raised in New York. I am a Certified Life Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner, Workshop Facilitator and Author with more than 25 years’ experience. My books include Alphabet Affirmations: Transform Your Life and Love Yourself and I Am the Treasure.

I specialize in helping my clients manage their stress and develop inner resources, like confidence, courage and resilience so they can live with greater ease, realize their goals and dreams and better meet life’s challenges. I offer a 30-minute complimentary consultation to get acquainted, discuss your goals and see how we might work together. 

Email me at Theresa@reconnecting2you.comto schedule your complimentary consultation.

Posted March 23, 2021 by Reconnecting2you in Uncategorized

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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life   Leave a comment

“Every thought you have makes up some segment of the world you see. It is with your thoughts then, that we must work, if your perception of the world is to be changed.” – A Course In Miracles, Lesson 23

How would your life be different if you changed your thoughts and the words you use?

Whether we know it or not, our words have power and what we give our attention to grows.

I heard a TEDx Talk by Carolyn Myss a while back entitled “Choices That Can Change Your Life.”  My biggest take-away was giving away one word from my vocabulary and never using it again. The word that immediately came to mind was “can’t.” gave it away several months ago, and have rarely used it since.***

We often hold ourselves back from the lives we want without realizing we’re doing it. Our words, and the strategies we use for coping with the world around us, may keep us living smaller than we desire. We may think the worst will happen if we pursue our dreams and goals and settle for what we have rather than embrace what it is we want. Our perceptions are often based on past experiences or conditioning, which has nothing to do with living in the present moment.

Since I’ve given up (or at least reduced!) the word “can’t” from my vernacular, I’ve noticed how my life is expanding and how I’ve become more bold. Like everything, it is a work in progress, as life continues to unfold.

Our words, thoughts, and behaviors are intimately connected. The more conscious we become of what we say and do, the more freedom we have to choose.

Want more love, joy, and abundance in your life? Try out this week’s TNT!


Pick a day to pay attention to the words you commonly use.

Notice the effect they have on your behavior.

For instance, if you tell yourself you “can’t,” how does it limit you, and what effect does it have on your life?

When you have completed your observation, choose one word to give away for the remainder of the month.

What changes do you notice?

Have fun with it!

Remember, it’s progress not perfection!

As always, I would love to hear your comments about how this week’s TNT worked for you and what it is you discovered.

With love, Theresa

***You can imagine giving your word away to a trusted friend who will take and transform it, or imagine placing it in a pink bubble and releasing it, or whatever else feels right.

If you found this week’s TNT helpful and would like to support my work, please visit my Virtual Tip Jar at PayPal.  It’s here:

Are you in transition?

Would you like help addressing an issue you’ve been grappling with?

Is there a goal or dream you would like to fulfill and would like support in moving forward? It would be my pleasure to speak with you. Email to schedule a Complimentary Coaching Consultation. Available internationally by Skype and U.S. telephone.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams and create happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.



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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) I Am a Center of Peace   Leave a comment

Dear Friends,

Regardless of where we are in our lives, we’re likely to experience times of stress and need some gentle reminders to let go of our angst and re center ourselves.

I created a lovely affirmation as a handout for participants in my stress management workshops.  It’s short and sweet and hope you’ll find it helpful.

1.  Begin by taking a couple of  breaths, letting go of of any tension, as you bring yourself into the present moment.

2.  When you’re ready, take another breath and as you inhale silently repeat the affirmation, “I Am a Center of Peace.” Feel yourself relax as you breathe out any stress or painful sensations.

3.  Continue breathing, silently repeating the affirmation as you let go of any remaining tension. Notice the sense of peace that fills your body, as you feel the sensation to expand from head to toe.

4.  Repeat the process until you feel peaceful and relaxed.

5.  When you’re ready, take a cleansing breath, and return to the room, refreshed.

As an added benfit, you might like to print the photo below*** and hang it where you can see it, as reminder to stop and take a breath.

And for those of you living in the U.S., wishing you a fun and wonderful holiday weekend!

With love,

If you know someone who would find this post helpful, please share.

Email to schedule a 30-minute complimentary coaching consultation to discuss your goals and dreams and how I might assist you in realizing them.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams, and create healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives.  To learn more, visit Theresa’s website or email her at


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To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page

Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Forgiveness: Moving From Darkness To Light   Leave a comment


Forgiveness is a powerful practice.  As we let go of resentments, and the people we feel have hurt us, or caused harm to those we love, our lives are transformed as we free ourselves to receive a greater flow of love, joy, health and abundance.

This week’s TNT provides a three-step process to help you let go of the past and open your heart.

If you are on my email list, don’t forget to keep your eyes out on Sunday, February 14, for this week’s blog, and my special Valentine’s Day treat!

With love,


Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Forgiveness: Moving From Darkness To Light

“Forgiveness is the key to happiness.”

– A Course in Miracles, Lesson 121

As I was contemplating this week’s TNT, the practice of forgiveness came to mind. I’ve written on the topic several times, as it’s a key ingredient for happiness. As I sat at my desk, I felt compelled to share on it again.

I once heard Marianne Williamson, who lectures on A Course in Miracles say, “resentments are like a thin slice of hate.” Although I heard the quote over 20 years ago, the image made such an impression that it continues to stay with me.

Having worked in the healing field for more than 30 years, I am well aware, from my own processes, and those of my clients, that the body responds to resentments like a tight rope around one’s neck. They off our circulation and limit the flow of Life’s Good into our experience. Forgiveness is often confused with condoning someone’s behavior. Nothing is further from the truth. Forgiveness is a practice we do to free ourselves, and in so doing, our health and well-being are subject to improve.

Feelings of animosity can be hard to admit, let alone, sit with. However, the first step in releasing resentments is honesty. Like casting light onto darkness, it is imperative to acknowledge whatever feelings are lurking beneath the surface before we feel a sense of relief and freedom. While it is not necessary to share your feelings with others, being honest with yourself is crucial.

This 3-Step Process will help you to let go of the past and open your heart.

Like any practice, you may need to repeat it multiple times before you feel complete.

Before you begin, I invite you to set the tone by powering down your phone, lighting a candle, and creating a space that feels safe and inviting. Next, take a few deep breaths and envision yourself embraced in a warm and loving light. Know that you are safe and cared for. Then follow the outline below.

Step 1: Begin by asking yourself the following question. You can write it in your journal or, if you prefer, speak and answer it aloud. Choose whichever method feels most comfortable.

“Who do I need to forgive and why?”

Step 2: Trust your intuition and go with the first person or situation that comes to mind. It may be an individual, a political group, a government or an organization. Then, state what you forgive them for. Be sure to be specific. Use the following sentence as your model:

The person I need to forgive is _________.  I forgive you for___________.

You may feel multiple resentments for the same person. If so, repeat the sentence until you feel complete. Allow yourself to sit with any feelings that may emerge in the process. Like toxins stored in the body, the anger, disappointment or sadness needs to be released.

Step 3: When you feel ready, complete the process by saying the following statement or create one of your own that helps you release the situation and let go:

(State the person’s name)_____________, I now bless you and release you to your Highest Good and I am freed to mine. (Add anything else that you feel guided to say.)

As you complete the practice, notice how you feel in your body. Let that be the key that informs your future actions.

As always, I would love to hear your comments and the results of the exercise, should you choose to use it.

With love,


© Theresa Conti 2016

If there someone in your life you would like to forgive and would like support with the healing process, it would be my pleasure to serve you.

Email and schedule a complimentary consultation.

Reference: “Love and Forgiveness,” by Leonard Shaw, M.S.W.

Disclaimer: Please note that this three-step process may bring up feelings that are painful and uncomfortable. As with any exercise, the choice to use it is at your own risk and is your personal responsibility.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients transform their stress into harmony and balance, so they can realize their dreams, and live healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives.  To learn more, visit Theresa’s website or email her at


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To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page

Wednesday’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool): Thinking Outside of the Box   Leave a comment


Are you stuck in a grind? Tired of struggling, but not sure what to do? Then it’s time to step outside of the box and try something new.

Wednesday’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool): Thinking Outside of the Box

I am firm believer in listening to my intuition. In my personal life, and in my work as a healer and coach, I know that we all have access to the information we need when we are willing to step out of the box and listen.

Let’s face it – change can be scary. It requires that we muster our courage and take a leap of faith. Wanting to know the results of our actions, before we take them, or requiring a guarantee can, (and does), limit our options and keeps us stuck. It’s been true for me, at least temporarily, and is something we have all experienced. Despite our best intentions, it sometimes takes enormous pain before we’re ready to move forward and take the steps that lead to change and sets us free. How long we’re willing to wait is up to each of us.  But there’s one thing that’s certain: doing the same thing, over and over again, will yield the same results.

The following exercise will provide some insights to help you:

Close your eyes and think of a stressful situation or something that’s been troubling you. It may be a relationship, pressures at work, a financial dilemma or other situation. Then imagine that someone you look up to – a mentor, a teacher, a friend, or even a fictional character that you admire, is standing in front of you. Take a moment to connect, then ask them what advice they have for you. The information may come in the form of a short answer, an impression, a feeling or image. If it’s your intuition speaking, it will feel certain and right and be non-judgmental.  Make note of your answers. Then choose an action to implement that resonates with you and set a specific time frame in which you will do it. When complete, record your experience.

As always, I would love to hear about your experience.

With love,

              Would you like to implement a change in your life? Email to schedule a Complimentary 30-minute Consultation. I would love to support you!

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator with 25 years experience. She helps her clients manage their stress, identify their dreams and goals and create happier, healthier more fulfilling lives.


Facebook at:



To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page

Message from the Divine:   Leave a comment


Do you have expectations of what you should do, be or accomplish? Do they bring you a sense of lightness and joy or create anxiety and stress?

Putting undue pressure on ourselves wreaks havoc on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

This month’s Message*** is taken from a recent journal entry. I hope you find it helpful

Message from the Divine: Letting Go of Pressure

Pressure does not lead to the answers you seek.
Surrender does.

Trying to force solutions is like attempting to give birth to a baby
Before its time is due.

The answers you seek are right where you are
When you quiet the mind and open your heart to listen.

One moment. One heart beat at a time.

Release your “shoulds” and “must do’s.”
Take a walk or go for a bike ride instead.

Free your mind from thoughts that cloud it
From hearing your inner wisdom.

Lay down the fears that keep you stuck
In a life you no longer desire.

Focus on what brings you joy.

Allow the dreams of your heart to become clear
And guide you to a life of freedom

You deserve the best –
Let yourself receive it.

With Love,


©Theresa Conti 2015

***Messages from the Divine are taken from journal entries and recorded messages I have received in response to questions I’ve posed during meditation. I hope you find them helpful.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator with 25 years experience. She helps her clients manage their stress, identify their dreams and goals and create happier, healthier more fulfilling lives.

To schedule a complementary coaching session to discuss your dreams and goals and explore how we might work together, email


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To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page.

Wednesday’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool): Going Deeper   Leave a comment

Dear Friends,

This week’s TNT provides a tool to help you delve deeper into clarifying and manifesting your heart’s desires.

Wednesday’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool): Going Deeper

One of the greatest lessons I received while training as a Science of Mind Practitioner at the Center for Spiritual Living in Seattle was learning to delve more deeply into what it was I wanted.

I learned that on the surface, we may say we want a relationship, a car, a new career, more friends, but underneath the “thing” we want is often something deeper. For instance, underneath a relationship may be a desire for love, companionship or connection. Underneath the desire for a car, may be a wish for greater freedom and flexibility. A new career, may grant greater expression of our gifts, talents and abilities. The “thing” we want may seem to satisfy our needs, but underneath each of these examples are qualities that, when experienced, would enrich and bless our lives.

As a Science of Mind Practitioner, I have been trained in the use of Spiritual Mind Treatment, also known as affirmative prayer, to support myself, and my clients, in bringing about the manifestation of a stated desire.  Treating (affirming or praying) for what lies beneath the surface opens, rather than limits, the possibilities for satisfying our desires in a way that is unique to the person who is treating (affirming or praying) or being treated (prayed) for. The Universe knows far better than we how to satisfy our needs. The key is being open to receive something different than what we expect the  answer or solution to be. The same is true with any kind of healing. If we’re looking for something in particular, and have blinders on, we may miss the guidance or blessing.

The next time you have a need or desire, I invite you to delve deeper, and discover what lies beneath the surface. You may find the results of your prayers and intentions open a new field of possibilities that you’ve never even dreamed of.

If you would like to learn more about Spiritual Mind Treatment or schedule an appointment for a Treatment, please contact me at

With love,


As always, I would love to hear your comments or experience with the tool. Just click on the “Leave a Comment” tab next at the top of the page.

If you know someone who might find this post helpful, please share.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator. She helps her clients identify and realize their greatest dreams and desires and create happier, healthier more fulfilling lives. For more information about Theresa’s coaching programs or Reconnective Healing services, please visit her website, email her at or contact her at 917-478-1722.


Facebook at:



To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page.

Freedom, The Ultimate Experience   Leave a comment

Whether we like structure or prefer going with the flow, we all long for a sense of freedom and connection. Freedom to be who we are and to enjoy lives based on the foundations of health, happiness and love.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes the beliefs I hold true about myself get in the way of experiencing the joy, love and abundance I desire.  Discovering the beliefs that are  blocking our Good is the first step in releasing them and opening to a greater experience and expression of Life.

This week’s ***Message from the Divine** is entitled Freedom, The Ultimate Experience. I hope you enjoy and find value in reading it. As always, I would love to hear your thoughts and comments about how today’s message applies to you.

With love,


***Messages from the Divine stem from inspirational writings or recordings created during my morning meditation. While they are answers to questions I ask about myself, they are universal in nature and may be helpful to you, as well. They are included here with little or no editing.


Freedom is the ultimate experience and expression of joy – of Life in all of its fullness and splendor. You need simply recognize that it is true.

You imprison yourself and you therefore also hold the key to your freedom.

Your beliefs keep you imprisoned, yet they are nothing more than your interpretation of reality, past, present or future. In and of themselves, they hold no more power than that which you give them. Recognize them for what they are and watch as they disappear – dissolve when and as you choose to let them go.

Enslavement to your beliefs remains your choice. It – your enslavement – comes from nowhere outside of yourself. You hold the key. Should you choose to use it, you can free yourself from from whatever obstructions seem to bind you.

Are you ready?

If you would like support identifying your blocks to health, happiness and love, then I invite you to join me in one of my upcoming coaching programs and seminars. Feel free to call or email should you wish more information.

Have a blessed week,


© Theresa Conti 2013

Theresa Conti is a Reconnective Healing ® Practitioner, Spiritual Life Coach and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience in the healing field. Theresa specializes in helping her clients regain (and maintain!) their sense of balance and revitalize their lives. For more information, please visit Theresa’s website at or email her at