Archive for the ‘forgiveness’ Tag

Our Freedom Resides Within   Leave a comment

First of all, Happy Spring! 

It’s always such a joy to watch nature unfolding – springing to life before our very eyes. I feel inspired as I watch the buds forming on the trees outside my window, or witness the flowers pushing through the earth while I’m on my daily walks. They remind me that like life, nature is unstoppable and always expressing itself, beautifully and freely.


“I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed thousands more, if only they knew they were slaves.”

Harriet Tubman

Last Sunday, I watched a video of Sadhguru that was filmed at a Youth and Truth Event in Delhi, India in 2018. What I heard reminded me of Victor Frankl and his book, A Man’s Search for Meaning, in which Frankl recounts his experience at Nazi concentration camps during WWII. His story is a poignant lesson that tells us regardless of the conditions we face, our freedom resides within. No one and nothing can inhibit it or take it away. 

I also found the precept true while facilitating a volunteer program at a maximum-security prison in Washington State. While many of the inmates felt they were in bondage, others found a sense of freedom through meditation, personal growth seminars, spiritual practices, artwork, and other mediums.  Many of the men I spoke with told me their imprisonment was the best thing that could have happened to them, because it caused them to stop, reflect on their lives, and experience an awakening that was impossible to find on the outside.  Choosing where to put their attention is what determined each inmates’ experience.

Years ago, Bo Lozoff, founder of The Prison Ashram Project and The Human Kindness Foundation wrote a book called  We’re All Doing Time; a telltale title that illustrates how our thoughts, beliefs and behaviors lead to corresponding outcomes– whether we realize it or not. So, how do we free ourselves from our own self-confinement?

First, by letting go of blame, taking responsibility for our choices, and forgiving ourselves and others for whatever pain or suffering we may have caused or experienced. This is the foundation that guides us on the road to freedom. It all starts with a decision, then Life steps in and guides our process.

As the famous Goethe quote advises:  Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Our healing, both personal, interpersonal and global is in our hands. Let’s begin it.

With love,


© Article and Photo Theresa Conti


I was born and raised in New York. I am a Certified Life Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner, Workshop Facilitator and Author with more than 25 years’ experience. My books include Alphabet Affirmations: Transform Your Life and Love Yourself and I Am the Treasure.

I specialize in helping my clients manage their stress and develop inner resources, like confidence, courage and resilience so they can live with greater ease, realize their goals and dreams and better meet life’s challenges. I offer a 30-minute complimentary consultation to get acquainted, discuss your goals and see how we might work together. 

Email me at Theresa@reconnecting2you.comto schedule your complimentary consultation.

Posted March 23, 2021 by Reconnecting2you in Uncategorized

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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Appreciation: A Tool To Rewire Your Brain For Happiness   Leave a comment


Much as been said about the power of gratitude and appreciation. That what we focus on, grows. The field of neuroscience is documenting what sages have known for millennia. Today’s TNT focuses on the art of appreciation – a tool that can help you shift from a negative state of mind to one that’s more satisfying and vibrant.

Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Appreciation: A Tool To Rewire Your Brain For Happiness

“Neurons that fire together wire together.”  – Donald Hebb

The quote above was first used in 1949 by Donald Hebb, a Canadian neuropsychologist known for his work in the field of associative learning, and has become a common phrase among neuroscientists. Hebb’s axiom reminds us that every experience, thought, feeling, and physical sensation triggers thousands of neurons, which form a neural network. What’s cool about this, is that we now know how to transform our ‘negativity bias” (a survival skill we developed eons ago) in to a more positive state of mind. Science calls this a “positivity bias.”

By focusing on what we appreciate, we have the power and the ability to rewire our brains for happiness. Stopping throughout the day to take note of what you appreciate is one of many tools that can help you create a healthier, happier brain. What’s really exciting is that science has shown that it takes as little as 10-seconds to begin the process of breaking down old neural networks and replacing them with new ones; something that all of us can do.

This week, I encourage you to practice taking in the Good by stopping to notice what you appreciate – in your surroundings, your relationships, in the food you eat, the support and acknowledgement you receive – the list is endless. Then, close your eyes and soak in the good feelings for 10 to 20 seconds. Building on this practice, over time, can help you transform your negativity bias into a healthier, happier you.

With love, Theresa

Would you like help transforming your negativity bias into a more positive state of mind?

Email to schedule a 30-minute complimentary consultation and to schedule your Reconnective Healing appointment.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams, and create healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives.  To learn more, visit Theresa’s website or email her at


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To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page

Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) How To Resolve Your Conflicts And Get On With Your Life   Leave a comment


Conflict can be tricky. We want peace in our relationships, but what price are we willing to pay? Being true to who we are is a crucial element for maintaining our health and the integrity of our relationships. Today’s TNT provides 10 tips to help you resolve your conflicts, so you can let go of resentments and move on with your life.

Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) How To Resolve Your Conflicts And Get On With Your Life

“If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.” – W. Somerset Maugham

Addressing conflict can be scary and elicit feelings of doubt and insecurity. We may be afraid of damaging our relationships if we say what we truly think and how we feel.  However, when we are truly present and honest, we provide an opportunity for our for relationships to deepen and flourish.  Knowing how and when to express ourselves creates a foundation of confidence on which we can stand.

Here are 10 tips that will help you resolve conflict, let go of resentments, and get on with your life

      1. Be Direct.  Speaking directly to the person involved, rather than complaining to friends, may feel frightening, but is the first step in the process of clearing the air and resolving conflict. Being direct will also help you feel empowered as you learn to assert yourself.

     2.  Timing. Plan to talk to the person at a mutually agreed upon time. Talking when tired,  in a hurry, or in the midst of other activities will sabotage, rather than support, your conversation. Let the person know you have something on your mind you would like to talk about and decide on a convenient time. Let them know they’re not in any trouble, which will help to relieve any fear or apprehension.  (Resolving conflict isn’t about blame – it’s about sharing your feelings and experience.)

     3.  Plan Ahead. Think about what you want to say and how you want to say it.  Focus on the issue at hand and how it affects you.  Stay away from blame and judgment. Practice in the mirror, or with your coach or therapist, if needed.

     4.  Be Conversational Rather Than Confrontational: Ridiculing, blaming or antagonizing severs communication and makes it difficult for the person involved to hear you. State the facts and how it the situation affects you.  Speak slowing in short sentences, rather than telling a story.  (See Step #5 for an example.)

     5.  Provide Information. Providing information, and how the situation affects you, will help prevent an argument and keep the conversation focused on the facts. For example, instead of saying “You have no consideration. You always slam the door in the morning and wake me up” say “When you slam the door on your way out of the house in the morning, it wakes me up and I have a hard time getting back to sleep.” See the difference?

     6.  Be Prepared To Listen. Take a breath and listen to the person’s response. Stay calm, should they feel defensive or be on hyper alert. (After all, they may not have the same tools as you do.)

     7.  Be An Active Listener. Paraphrase what you’re hearing them say. They will need time to talk as much as you do in order to resolve the problem. Give them space to air their thoughts and feelings.  When you show that you’re listening, it will break down the barriers to talking and help them better hear you.  Other strategies including noding your head up and down (not side to side!) to show you understand (not necessarily agree) with what they’re saying. Use phrases, such as Mh hmmm” and “I see. When the person is done talking and feels complete, let them know you appreciate their willingness to discuss the situation.

     8.  Talk It Through And Stay Focused On The Issue.  Feel free to continue the conversation, should there be something more you would like to say when the person has finished talking. Like cleaning a wound, it’s important to address the situation in its entirety so it can be clearly resolved. This will help to prevent any resentment or anger from festering.  Be mindful, however, that this isn’t about dumping issues from the past 10 years. Doing so would be overwhelming and the person would likely feel blamed and defensive. Stay focused on the current issue.

     9.  Collaborate. Once you have each had an opportunity to empty out your feelings and express yourself, collaborate on a mutually agreed upon solution. This can be a bit like brainstorming – throwing out ideas and options until you come up with a plan with which you’re both comfortable.

     10.  Test It Out.  Agree to follow up at a designated time to see how the solution is working. Be opened to creating an alternate solution or tweaking the one you have.

Good luck! And, as always, I would love to hear your comments. Just click on the “Leave A Comment Tab” at the top of the page.

With love,


Need help resolving a conflict in your life? It would be my pleasure to speak with you.

Email to schedule a free 30-minute consultation. It would be my pleasure to speak with you.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams, and create healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives.  To learn more, visit Theresa’s website or email her at


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To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page

Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Forgiveness: Moving From Darkness To Light   Leave a comment


Forgiveness is a powerful practice.  As we let go of resentments, and the people we feel have hurt us, or caused harm to those we love, our lives are transformed as we free ourselves to receive a greater flow of love, joy, health and abundance.

This week’s TNT provides a three-step process to help you let go of the past and open your heart.

If you are on my email list, don’t forget to keep your eyes out on Sunday, February 14, for this week’s blog, and my special Valentine’s Day treat!

With love,


Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Forgiveness: Moving From Darkness To Light

“Forgiveness is the key to happiness.”

– A Course in Miracles, Lesson 121

As I was contemplating this week’s TNT, the practice of forgiveness came to mind. I’ve written on the topic several times, as it’s a key ingredient for happiness. As I sat at my desk, I felt compelled to share on it again.

I once heard Marianne Williamson, who lectures on A Course in Miracles say, “resentments are like a thin slice of hate.” Although I heard the quote over 20 years ago, the image made such an impression that it continues to stay with me.

Having worked in the healing field for more than 30 years, I am well aware, from my own processes, and those of my clients, that the body responds to resentments like a tight rope around one’s neck. They off our circulation and limit the flow of Life’s Good into our experience. Forgiveness is often confused with condoning someone’s behavior. Nothing is further from the truth. Forgiveness is a practice we do to free ourselves, and in so doing, our health and well-being are subject to improve.

Feelings of animosity can be hard to admit, let alone, sit with. However, the first step in releasing resentments is honesty. Like casting light onto darkness, it is imperative to acknowledge whatever feelings are lurking beneath the surface before we feel a sense of relief and freedom. While it is not necessary to share your feelings with others, being honest with yourself is crucial.

This 3-Step Process will help you to let go of the past and open your heart.

Like any practice, you may need to repeat it multiple times before you feel complete.

Before you begin, I invite you to set the tone by powering down your phone, lighting a candle, and creating a space that feels safe and inviting. Next, take a few deep breaths and envision yourself embraced in a warm and loving light. Know that you are safe and cared for. Then follow the outline below.

Step 1: Begin by asking yourself the following question. You can write it in your journal or, if you prefer, speak and answer it aloud. Choose whichever method feels most comfortable.

“Who do I need to forgive and why?”

Step 2: Trust your intuition and go with the first person or situation that comes to mind. It may be an individual, a political group, a government or an organization. Then, state what you forgive them for. Be sure to be specific. Use the following sentence as your model:

The person I need to forgive is _________.  I forgive you for___________.

You may feel multiple resentments for the same person. If so, repeat the sentence until you feel complete. Allow yourself to sit with any feelings that may emerge in the process. Like toxins stored in the body, the anger, disappointment or sadness needs to be released.

Step 3: When you feel ready, complete the process by saying the following statement or create one of your own that helps you release the situation and let go:

(State the person’s name)_____________, I now bless you and release you to your Highest Good and I am freed to mine. (Add anything else that you feel guided to say.)

As you complete the practice, notice how you feel in your body. Let that be the key that informs your future actions.

As always, I would love to hear your comments and the results of the exercise, should you choose to use it.

With love,


© Theresa Conti 2016

If there someone in your life you would like to forgive and would like support with the healing process, it would be my pleasure to serve you.

Email and schedule a complimentary consultation.

Reference: “Love and Forgiveness,” by Leonard Shaw, M.S.W.

Disclaimer: Please note that this three-step process may bring up feelings that are painful and uncomfortable. As with any exercise, the choice to use it is at your own risk and is your personal responsibility.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients transform their stress into harmony and balance, so they can realize their dreams, and live healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives.  To learn more, visit Theresa’s website or email her at


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To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page

Embracing the Light, Plus Live Coaching Event   Leave a comment


This week’s blog continues with the theme of change – those we wish to make, and those aspects of our lives that remind us that there are places within us in need of discovery and growth. Like buds that push through the ground in spring, we have an opportunity to emerge from the darkness of winter, embrace the Light and dream again.

If would like a little daily inspiration, visit my Facebook page, where you’ll find tips and tools, inspirational messages, educational articles, and more. (Tip: Click “Like” at the top of the page to receive the posts.)

And, if you live in New York, or will be visiting the area, stop by The Red Pipe Cafe, located in Forest Hills, on Saturday, May 23rd for my upcoming Coffee and Coaching Event.  You can find more information about the event in the Announcements section at the end of the blog.


“You may have suffered a setback, but don’t sit around in self-pity. Tell your heart to beat again. Tell your heart to love again…Tell your heart to forgive again. Maybe a dream didn’t work out, but nothing will change if you just expect more of the same. Tell your heart to dream again.”               –  Joel Osteen

Making big changes (or even little ones!) can be daunting! Fear of the unknown is a biggie that affects all of us in varying degrees, and at different points in our lives. The question is: are you willing to stay stuck and let it stop you or are you ready to take steps to break free?

We move at our own pace. Some of us are turtles. We move slowly, wear protective shells and retreat when we sense danger or need time to evaluate. Others of us are like gazelles that spring forward and move at lightening speeds. The good news is  how quickly we move doesn’t matter. It’s taking consistent steps toward the lives we desire that make for lasting change.

Fear of uncertainty can tempt me to stop dead in my tracks and cause my imagination to run rampant, creating all kinds of commotion no man (or woman!) in his right mind would want to embark on, let alone make him want to leap into the void!

“What if’s…” are two little words that are enough to halt the cosmos and are huge dream stoppers, when we use them against, rather than for ourselves. Like a child that wakes in the night from a scary dream afraid of monsters, and whose parent turns on the light, the fear disappears when we wake up and discover there’s nothing there but the filters of our imaginations.

What helps each of us turn on the Light is unique to who we are and what fits us best in the moment. For me, it may be reading something inspirational, prayer, a walk in nature, meditation, reciting an affirmation or a call to a support person or friend. But the most helpful of all is surrender – letting go of fears and doubts, confusion and speculation, so I can reconnect to who I am and hear the voice of my intuition. Whatever the tools, we use them to remind us of who we are and that life is ours for the asking.

There may be times we retreat, or feel like we’re moving in reverse, but the opposite is true. We never stop growing or go back in time – like the bulbs that lie dormant in winter and bloom in spring, we are destined to evolve and flourish.

If you would like a tool to help you let go, you may find the following exercise helpful. Use it as written or modify it to fit your personal style. However you use it, may it help you to prosper and grow as you embrace the Light within you.

An Exercise in Letting Go: Releasing Your Fears to the Light

The Universal Light Box

  1. You will need a covered container or box for the exercise; small pieces of paper that can easily fit in the box, or index cards cut in quarters; and a pen. I suggest using a container or box that you find beautiful and pleasing to look at. If desired, you can let your creative juices flow and decorate it.
  2. Next, write each of your fears or concerns on separate pieces of paper, and include the date. Place them in your Light Box. Keep it short. A sentence works perfectly.
  3. You can continue to add concerns or fears to your Light Box as often as needed.
  4. As you put each concern into your Light Box, imagine releasing it to the care of the Universe. You might like to say a few words or a special prayer to help you let go, such as “I now release all of my cares and concerns to the Light,” although it’s not necessary.
  5. Then take a breath, let go and trust that the Universe is working in your favor.
  6. Empty your Light Box every month or so. Remove the concerns that you have released or that have been resolved and return the ones you are still concerned about to your Light Box and continue with the exercise.

As always, I would love to hear your comments!

With love,


Announcements: New Free Coaching Events

Free In-Person Coaching Sessions in Forest Hills, New York

Do you have a dream or goal you would like to realize, but are having a hard time doing it on your own? As a Certified Life Coach, my goal is to help you get from where you are to where you want to be!

If you live in New York, or plan to visit the city, stop by the Red Pipe Cafe, located in Forest Hills, for a free 30-minute coaching session. As I usually offer Introductory Coaching Sessions by telephone and Skype, this is a wonderful opportunity to connect in person. During our time together, you will:

* Identify your greatest goals and desires

* Discover what’s holding you back

* Create an action plan to move forward

Date:  Saturday, May 23 2015

Time:   1:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. (Last appointment is at 5:15 p.m.)

Location: Red Pipe Cafe, 71-60 Austin Street, Forest Hills, NY

Reservations aren’t necessary, but will guarantee your appointment. To schedule your free 30-minute coaching session, email

Don’t know your schedule? No worries. Walk-ins are welcome.
I look forward to seeing you there.

Have a friend who might be interested? Feel free to share.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator. She is the author of “I Am the Treasure,” a book of inspirational poetry, and creator of “Harvest Your Light,” a guided meditation program. Theresa has created and facilitated workshops on stress management, work/life balance, intuition development and other topics for law firms, hospitals, higher education, and other organizations. Theresa specializes in helping her clients gain clarity and direction about their life paths and guides them in identifying and achieving their dreams. For more information, please visit Theresa’s website or contact her at


Facebook at:



To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page.

It’s Entirely Up To You   2 comments


This week’s message comes from my morning journal (always a little vulnerable to share!), and was inspired by a Kabbalah class I took a few years ago. As always, the questions I ask during meditation are for me, but the answers are universal. I hope you find this week’s message helpful.

It’s Entirely Up To You

We cannot escape the results of past actions, but we may change the results by what we do now. – Rav Berg

Celebrate Life!

Let go of all that stands in the way of enjoying it. States of anger, blame, judgment, confusion, control and ridicule cause chaos and stem solely from the ego.

Forgive yourself for anything that is causing you to blame or judge yourself. Like a heavy cloud that’s been lifted, you will feel so much relief as you do so. And any blame or judgment you’ve harbored towards another will be healed, as well. So much of what we perceive is a projection of our own insecurities and fears. Don’t let them run your life. Take back your power. See them for what they are. And all will be well.

Life is filled with bountiful blessings! They are ready and available to you. They await your willingness and desire to receive them. Know you are worthy. You are loved. You are deserving of the best. Let yourself say “yes,” and like a magnet, you will attract your desires to you. Breathe in. Let go. Trust the process. You are meant to succeed. No one can force you. The decision is entirely up to you.

As always, I would love to hear from you Just click on the “Leave a Comment” tab at the top of the page to leave a comment.

With love,


Announcement:  Free In-Person Coaching Sessions in Forest Hills, New York

Do you have a dream or goal you would like to realize, but are having a hard time doing it on your own?

If you live in New York, or plan to visit the city, stop by the Red Pipe Cafe, located in Forest Hills, for a free 30-minute coaching session. As I usually offer Introductory Coaching Sessions by telephone and Skype, this is a wonderful opportunity to connect in person. During our time together, you will:

* Identify your greatest goals and desires
* Discover what’s holding you back
* Create an action plan to move forward

Dates: April 11 & April 25
Time:  1:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. (Last appointment is at 5:15 p.m.)
Location: Red Pipe Cafe, 71-60 Austin Street, Forest Hills, NY

Reservations aren’t necessary, but will guarantee your appointment. To schedule your free 30-minute coaching session, email

Don’t know your schedule? No worries. Walk-ins are welcome.
I look forward to seeing you there.

Have a friend who might be interested? Feel free to share.

 If you know someone who may find this post helpful, please forward.   

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator. She is the author of “I Am the Treasure,” a book of inspirational poetry, and creator of “Harvest Your Light,” a guided meditation program. Theresa has created and facilitated workshops on stress management, work/life balance, intuition development and other topics for law firms, hospitals, higher education, and other organizations. Theresa specializes in helping her clients gain clarity and direction about their life paths and guides them in identifying and achieving their dreams. For more information, please visit Theresa’s website or contact her at

Disclaimer: Theresa Conti is not a licensed medical practitioner and makes no claims of medical efficacy, nor guarantees any specific outcomes or results. She does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and does not replace medical treatment. All medical questions are to be referred to your physician. All exercises and suggestions made by Ms. Conti are at the sole discretion of the user.


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To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page.

From Darkness to Light and Special Announcements   Leave a comment

“Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness.”

– Course in Miracles, Lesson 121

I’ve been rereading  a book entitled “Love and Forgiveness” by Leonard Shaw, M.S.W., a gestalt therapist who served as one of my mentors when I lived in Seattle.

I had been a student of A Course in Miracles for several years when I heard Leonard speak at a workshop on forgiveness and prosperity. Although I was familiar with the Course’s principles, I hadn’t yet linked the two. I’ve since learned what a powerful combination they are.

Resentments keep us stuck. They zap our energy and close the door on prosperity. And not just financial prosperity.  Although they may not be visible, resentments, like pheromones, elicit a response and cast a shadow on what we wish to experience in our lives: love, joy, health, money, friendship, and whatever else we may desire.

If you have resentments you are ready to release, the following exercise will help you.

Although it may not be pretty, the first step in releasing resentments is honesty. Like casting light on to darkness, it is essential to acknowledge whatever feelings are lurking beneath the surface. While it is not necessary to share your feelings with others, being honesty with yourself is essential.

Begin by asking: “Who do I  need to forgive and why?”*** See who or what comes to mind. It may be an individual, a political group, a government, an organization, etc.  And don’t forget to add you own name to the list, if appropriate. Then state what you forgive them for. Be sure to be specific. Then bless and release them to their Highest Good and free yourself to yours. Repeat the exercise until you feel a sense of relief. If you need a little help, you can follow the example below:

The person I need to forgive is _________.

“(Person’s name) _____________, I forgive you for _____________. I now bless you and release you to your Highest Good, and I am freed to mine.” Add anything else you feel guided to say.

***To set the tone, I would suggest unplugging the phone, lighting a candle, and creating a space that feels safe and inviting.

As always, your comments, and results of the exercise, are welcome. Just click the “Comments” link next to the blog title to include them.

Many blessings,



1) 30-Minute Complimentary Coaching Session with Theresa

If you have someone to forgive, or another life issue you would like support with, take advantage of my special 30-Minute Complimentary Coaching Session to see how Life Coaching can help you.

For more information, or to schedule a complimentary coaching session, please email me at

2) Dr. Pearl at the New York Open Center

Dr. Eric Pearl, founder of The Reconnection, will be giving a presentation entitled “Exploring the New Frequencies of Healing” at The New York Open Center on Tuesday, October 22, 2013. I will be working as part of The Reconnection team, and hope to see you there!

For more information, copy and paste the the following link into your browser:

Theresa Conti is a Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, Certified Life Coach and Workshop Presenter with more than 25 years experience in the healing field. She is the author of “I Am the Treasure,” a book of inspirational poetry, and creator of “Harvest Your Light,” a guided meditation program. She specializes in helping her clients manage stress, break through blocks, and create a life they love. For more information, please visit Theresa’s website at Like her on Facebook at,

Good Rumors   Leave a comment

If we choose to see the good in others, which is abundantly there, we will help to increase it in them, in ourselves, and in our communities…The chocie to see the good is always available to us. It is a mindset we can practice to the benefit of all. – Karen Casey

Whether we admit it or not, what we see in others – warts, beauty, and all – is a direct reflection of that which we have disowned within ourselves. 

Have you ever proclaimed you would never be like _____ (your mother, father, brother, sister, boss, neighbor, friend?) or do the things they do? And then find yourself thinking or behaving in ways that reflect the same behavior? (Come on, now, tell the truth!) The problem is, when we harbor judgments against others (or ourselves) for values, actions, or ways of thinking, we limit our perceptions to that which we choose to see, rather than the entirety of who the person is. For instance, we may see their faults, but not their good qualities. Like the example of five people who witness the same accident, each sees the incident through his or her personal filters, resulting in five different versions of the same event.

Years ago, I was hired by Antioch University, a college in Seattle to teach an elective course on forgiveness  to public school teachers who were working towards acquiring their Masters Degrees. Like any college course, the class required that the teachers meet several requirements in order to pass. I included a forgiveness assignment in the curriculum that the teachers needed to complete outside of class, along with a detailed report of what they did and the results achieved.  Several of the teachers wrote (though not necessarily mailed) letters to people they had long harbored resentments toward. Others conducted forgiveness experiments with their students.

One of the experiments entailed playing a game entitled “Good Rumors,” an  exercise I learned from Edith Stauffer, Ph.D., and adapted to meet the needs of the class.  The game, as you may have guessed, required spreading good rumors, rather than the negatives we often hear. One teacher created an exercise  and had her students write positive qualities about one another, and then share them with the class. Another teacher kept the experiment private, and began giving verbal compliments to a student with whom she had difficulty relating.  She later reported that with regular practice, her relationship with her student began to improve, and had a positive effect on the class.

I am not suggesting that you deny inappropriate behavior or that it go without consequences, however, the implications of the Good Rumors experiment are powerful and can have far-reaching effects.

This week, I invite you to choose someone you feel challenged by and try the Good Rumors exercise for yourself! Then, come back and post your comments!

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Presenter with more than 25 years experience in the healing field. She is the author of “I Am the Treasure,” a book of inspirational poetry, and creator of “Harvest Your Light,” a guided meditation program. Theresa specializes in helping her clients regain their energy, boost their confidence and create a life they love. For more information, please visit Theresa’s website.

If you would like to receive special offers and Theresa’s newsletter directly, please email her at


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