Archive for the ‘Tool’ Tag

Embracing the Light, Plus Live Coaching Event   Leave a comment


This week’s blog continues with the theme of change – those we wish to make, and those aspects of our lives that remind us that there are places within us in need of discovery and growth. Like buds that push through the ground in spring, we have an opportunity to emerge from the darkness of winter, embrace the Light and dream again.

If would like a little daily inspiration, visit my Facebook page, where you’ll find tips and tools, inspirational messages, educational articles, and more. (Tip: Click “Like” at the top of the page to receive the posts.)

And, if you live in New York, or will be visiting the area, stop by The Red Pipe Cafe, located in Forest Hills, on Saturday, May 23rd for my upcoming Coffee and Coaching Event.  You can find more information about the event in the Announcements section at the end of the blog.


“You may have suffered a setback, but don’t sit around in self-pity. Tell your heart to beat again. Tell your heart to love again…Tell your heart to forgive again. Maybe a dream didn’t work out, but nothing will change if you just expect more of the same. Tell your heart to dream again.”               –  Joel Osteen

Making big changes (or even little ones!) can be daunting! Fear of the unknown is a biggie that affects all of us in varying degrees, and at different points in our lives. The question is: are you willing to stay stuck and let it stop you or are you ready to take steps to break free?

We move at our own pace. Some of us are turtles. We move slowly, wear protective shells and retreat when we sense danger or need time to evaluate. Others of us are like gazelles that spring forward and move at lightening speeds. The good news is  how quickly we move doesn’t matter. It’s taking consistent steps toward the lives we desire that make for lasting change.

Fear of uncertainty can tempt me to stop dead in my tracks and cause my imagination to run rampant, creating all kinds of commotion no man (or woman!) in his right mind would want to embark on, let alone make him want to leap into the void!

“What if’s…” are two little words that are enough to halt the cosmos and are huge dream stoppers, when we use them against, rather than for ourselves. Like a child that wakes in the night from a scary dream afraid of monsters, and whose parent turns on the light, the fear disappears when we wake up and discover there’s nothing there but the filters of our imaginations.

What helps each of us turn on the Light is unique to who we are and what fits us best in the moment. For me, it may be reading something inspirational, prayer, a walk in nature, meditation, reciting an affirmation or a call to a support person or friend. But the most helpful of all is surrender – letting go of fears and doubts, confusion and speculation, so I can reconnect to who I am and hear the voice of my intuition. Whatever the tools, we use them to remind us of who we are and that life is ours for the asking.

There may be times we retreat, or feel like we’re moving in reverse, but the opposite is true. We never stop growing or go back in time – like the bulbs that lie dormant in winter and bloom in spring, we are destined to evolve and flourish.

If you would like a tool to help you let go, you may find the following exercise helpful. Use it as written or modify it to fit your personal style. However you use it, may it help you to prosper and grow as you embrace the Light within you.

An Exercise in Letting Go: Releasing Your Fears to the Light

The Universal Light Box

  1. You will need a covered container or box for the exercise; small pieces of paper that can easily fit in the box, or index cards cut in quarters; and a pen. I suggest using a container or box that you find beautiful and pleasing to look at. If desired, you can let your creative juices flow and decorate it.
  2. Next, write each of your fears or concerns on separate pieces of paper, and include the date. Place them in your Light Box. Keep it short. A sentence works perfectly.
  3. You can continue to add concerns or fears to your Light Box as often as needed.
  4. As you put each concern into your Light Box, imagine releasing it to the care of the Universe. You might like to say a few words or a special prayer to help you let go, such as “I now release all of my cares and concerns to the Light,” although it’s not necessary.
  5. Then take a breath, let go and trust that the Universe is working in your favor.
  6. Empty your Light Box every month or so. Remove the concerns that you have released or that have been resolved and return the ones you are still concerned about to your Light Box and continue with the exercise.

As always, I would love to hear your comments!

With love,


Announcements: New Free Coaching Events

Free In-Person Coaching Sessions in Forest Hills, New York

Do you have a dream or goal you would like to realize, but are having a hard time doing it on your own? As a Certified Life Coach, my goal is to help you get from where you are to where you want to be!

If you live in New York, or plan to visit the city, stop by the Red Pipe Cafe, located in Forest Hills, for a free 30-minute coaching session. As I usually offer Introductory Coaching Sessions by telephone and Skype, this is a wonderful opportunity to connect in person. During our time together, you will:

* Identify your greatest goals and desires

* Discover what’s holding you back

* Create an action plan to move forward

Date:  Saturday, May 23 2015

Time:   1:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. (Last appointment is at 5:15 p.m.)

Location: Red Pipe Cafe, 71-60 Austin Street, Forest Hills, NY

Reservations aren’t necessary, but will guarantee your appointment. To schedule your free 30-minute coaching session, email

Don’t know your schedule? No worries. Walk-ins are welcome.
I look forward to seeing you there.

Have a friend who might be interested? Feel free to share.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator. She is the author of “I Am the Treasure,” a book of inspirational poetry, and creator of “Harvest Your Light,” a guided meditation program. Theresa has created and facilitated workshops on stress management, work/life balance, intuition development and other topics for law firms, hospitals, higher education, and other organizations. Theresa specializes in helping her clients gain clarity and direction about their life paths and guides them in identifying and achieving their dreams. For more information, please visit Theresa’s website or contact her at


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