Archive for the ‘doubt’ Tag

Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Trust Your Gut   Leave a comment

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you’re heading.” – Lao Tzu

Change can be both exhilarating and scary. Whether we wish to change careers, sell or purchase a home, move to a new city or country, begin or end a relationship, or do anything that’s new, the future is unknown and can prompt feelings of fear and insecurity.

A few months ago, I had a chat with an American woman who has been living in Trieste for 15 years or so. She works for an American support organization, and has watched people who have relocated from abroad come and go. I had been feeling a bit lonely the day I saw her, and was longing for connections on a deeper, more personal level. She said I was at a crisis point, wondering if I would ever learn the language, make closer friends, establish a clientele, learn the subtleties between cultures, etc. I felt like she was a mindreader and was inside of my head! The thing that helped me most was when she said that what I was feeling was common and the point at which most people left and returned home. Wow. Although I had no intention of moving,  it made perfect sense and gave me a new perspective.

The challenges that come with change are true with any endeavor. The reptilian part of our brains are hard-wired to keep us safe, so we’re bound to question our decisions, and wonder if we’re on the right path when feelings of doubt and insecurity rear their frightening heads. Our ancestors were on alert for their physical safety, and had to fight or flee when their environment was threatened.  In modern times, the “old” brain kicks in when it perceives an emotional threat, and can stop us in our tracks.

I still feel lonely and insecure from time to time, however, I remind myself that what I’m feeling is natural; take a breath; reach out for support, when needed; and move on.

Fear is a common occurrence and something we are bound to experience when we stretch our comfort zones and embark on something new. The key is recognizing where the fear is stemming from, and tapping in to our Inner Strength and the wisdom of our guts.


What change have you been wanting to make, but have been afraid of doing so?

On a scale of “1” to “10,” with “1” Not At All Important and “10” Extremely Important, how important is the change you wish to make?

What’s holding you back?

Notice the feelings that emerge. Are you scared, excited, happy, terrified?

Are the thoughts that you’re thinking true and serving you? Or are they assumptions based on beliefs that are trying to keep you safe?

Take a breath and call on your Inner Wisdom.

What feels right for you to do?

Ask your gut, not your head!

What brings a feeling of deep peace and inner contentment?

Your gut will serve to guide you.

With love, Theresa

Need help changing your thoughts and perceptions? 

“Alphabet Affirmations: Transform Your Life and Love Yourself” is an empowering  tool that may help you make the changes you desire, and create a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Available on Amazon. 

If would you found this week’s TNT helpful, and would like to support my ongoing work, please visit my Virtual Tip Jar at PayPal.  It’s here:
Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, Author, and Workshop Facilitator with more 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams and create happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

Read the rest of this entry »

Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) How To Calm The Mind and Relieve Overthinking   2 comments


Does overthinking complicate your life or lead you astray? This week’s TNT will help get you on track!

Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) How To Calm The  Mind and Relieve Overthinking

“Before enlightenment chop wood, carry water.

After enlightenment chop wood, carry water.” – Zen Proverb

I was talking with a friend today – we were obsessing about our fears (yes, I have them, too!), phobias and how much there is to do. Then, it dawned on me: When life seems complicated, and feels unmanageable, it may stem from overthinking!

It’s essential to have visions and goals and timelines in which to achieve them. They give our lives a sense of meaning and purpose and are important to our health and well-being. However, no matter how far we’ve come, fear and doubt can get in the way and lead to overthinking. (Can you relate?)

When your head is spinning, and you’re trying to figure things out, it’s time to stop and slow down the momentum. Go for a walk. Have a cup of tea. Detach and let the feelings settle. It will help you calm your mind, redirect your thoughts, and relieve your overthinking. You will regain your composure, feel refreshed and in the long run, be more efficient.

If you know someone who would find this post helpful, please share.

Do you want to manage your stress? Regain your balance? Fulfill a dream or accomplish a goal?

Email to schedule a 30-minute complimentary coaching consultation.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams, and create healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives.  To learn more, visit Theresa’s website or email her at


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To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page

January Challenge. Plus, Last Day For Special Offer   Leave a comment

“The cultivation of happiness is one of the most important skills anyone can ever learn.”  – Thich Nhat Hanh

I am always amazed when I look at the calendar (January 13 today!), and am in awe at how quickly the time flies! Like you, I am excited by the possibilities that the new year offers and the gifts that it contains.

We all wish to live healthy, happy and abundant lives. Our yearly rituals of setting intentions, creating goals and clarifying our dreams is a testament to our souls’ natural desire to expand and grow.  And, while fear may slow us down at intermittent points along the way, it will never prevent us from yearning for a bigger life. To be, experience and express more of who we are.

So, how do we step into our dreams and out of the way during times of doubt or despair and allow our souls to give birth to our new visions and ideas? Like a gardener who wishes his crops to grow, we must cultivate and fertilize the ground in preparation for our visions to unfold.

As Ernest Holmes states in his wonderful book, Creative Mind and Success,

“…we must become the thing we want. We must see it, think it, realize it, before the creative power of Mind can work it out for us…we must train our thought to see only that which we wish to experience, and since we are growing into what we are mentally dwelling upon, we should put all small and insignificant thoughts and ideals out of our thinking and see things in a larger way. We must cultivate the habit of an enlarged mental horizon.”

But how, you may wonder, do we do this?

Listed below are five powerful steps to assist you in cultivating and growing your own inner garden. Together, these steps will help you to weed out old mental patterns and charge your consciousness with new mental energy that fertilize the ground for your dreams to bear fruit. But don’t take my word for it – give it a try and see what happens! I invite you to take the challenge!

The January Challenge: 5-Steps To Increase Your Happiness

Experiment:  For the month…

1.  Do something every day that inspires you.

It could be prayer and meditation, inspirational reading, a walk in nature, taking photographs, writing, working on a project, painting, dancing, etc. Even five minutes a day is enough to free your creativity and connect to your Higher Mind.

2.  Don’t complain! (Probably the BIGGEST challenge!)

“Should” you catch yourself complaining – to yourself or someone else – simply notice, stop and redirect your attention to another thought, activity or conversation. It will help your friends, too!

3.  Keep a Gratitude Journal

Focusing on gratitude is more than a nice thing to do. It’s powerful. That which we appreciate and focus our attention on grows. Like giving nutrients to a plant, give thanks every day for all that you have and all that you have received – this could be as simple as a compliment or smile or something you consider more substantial that made you feel good. Be sure to include the ways you have brought joy and healing to others. Reread your entries every few days to remind yourself of all the Good you have both given and received.

4.  “Act as if” you already have want you want. Visualize it. Feel it. Experience It. Embrace it, with all of your senses, as if it is happening now. Do this every day! Twice a day will further prime the pump and up the ante! The feeling state is creative and will do wonders to enlarge your consciousness and shape your dreams.

5.  Feel the fear and do it anyway!**

Fear comes in all shapes and sizes. Procrastination abounds! Suddenly that project you’ve been avoiding seems more intriguing than that exercise class you signed up for or writing your new book. Heck, even cleaning the refrigerator looks appealing! You get the picture. We’ve all been there. So, when  you notice yourself holding back, take a deep breath and reach out for support, if needed. Then, feel the fear and do it anyway!

Practicing any of these steps will help move you in the direction of your dreams and connect you to your spiritual source. Utilizing a combination of these steps – or all of them – will put you on the fast track. Do what you can, and remember, should you falter or forget, you can always begin a new experiment! (Progress, not perfection!)

As a helpful reminder, print or write out these five life-changing steps and place them throughout your home and office. Keeping them in the forefront of your mind will increase the likelihood of implementing them.  When you forget, simply start over again! And remember to dream!

I would love to know how it goes!

If you found this blog helpful, please “Like: and share with your friends. Together, we can build a bridge to a healther, happier and more peaceful world.

Last Day For Special Offer

If you missed the announcement, it is my pleasure to offer you my Special New Year’s Offer of a 25% discount on Reconnective Healing and Coaching Services. Offer is valid through midnight. For more information email

With love,


**Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway is a registered trademark of Susan Jeffers, Ph.D., which I have obtained permission to use.

© Theresa Conti 2016

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience in the healing field. Theresa specializes in helping her  clients manage their stress, realize their dreams, and live healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives.  To learn more, visit Theresa’s website or email her at


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To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page

Wednesday’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool): Anxiety   Leave a comment


Anxiety is a common phenomenon and something we all experience at one time or another. Although there may be a physiological reason, anxiety frequently stems from doubt, fear and uncertainty.

In my coaching practice, I help my clients develop personal antidotes in the form of affirmative declarations to shift their perspective and transform the situation. Here’s one that helps to remedy anxiety:

“I always know what to do and when and how to do it.”

Give it a try the next time you experience anxiety. Let me know how it works for you!

If you know someone who might find this post helpful, please share.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator. She helps her clients transform their lives, relieve their suffering and awaken to the light and love within them by helping them identify and fulfill their dreams and goals and release what doesn’t serve them, which allowis them to pave the way to greater health, happiness and prosperity.


Facebook at:



To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page.

The Choice Of A Lifetime   Leave a comment


“Too often we procrastinate or allow negative thoughts and self-doubt to discourage us from chasing our dreams. As a result, our gifts (and dreams) go undeveloped. Despite the discouragement…you have all that you need to achieve your destiny.” – Joel Osteen

Do you struggle with following through on a dream or have difficulty accomplishing your goals? The lyrics of a beautiful song entitled “Hold It Up To The Light,” may help to motivate and inspire you! The link to the lyrics and video are included at the end of the blog.

So happy that the warm weather is finally here! So, have shifted to my summer writing schedule and will be posting once a month. To stay in touch, please visit my Facebook page, where you’ll find inspirational messages, tips and tools, interesting articles, photos to uplift you and more.

I look forward to connecting with you there!

The Choice Of A Lifetime

I recently reached out to a friend who lives in Italy for a little moral support. You see, since my father died in 2009, one of my dreams has been to reconnect with my Italian roots and live, for a while, in Italy. My dream to relocate has been a source of both excitement and worry. Questions, such as:

  • Will I be happy?
  • Will I be able to earn an income and support myself financially?
  • Am I making the right choice?
  • Will I be lonely?

are a few that have created anxiety and caused hesitation. Doing research and testing out our options before making a major change are important parts of the process. However, when feelings of insecurity pop in, they can prevent us from moving forward and fulfilling our greatest dreams and desires.

Making big changes can be scary. So despite the dream, negative thoughts and fear can create resistance and stand in the way of achieving success. (Can you relate?)

The “size” of our dreams doesn’t matter. You may want to clear clutter from a closet, say “yes” to a new relationship, embark on a new career, or like me – relocate to another country – solo! I’ve been to Italy four times for extended visits and know the blessings, as well as the challenges. And when doubt and fear set in, it’s easy to wobble. The same holds true for all of us, regardless of our intentions.

With every change comes loss, as well as new opportunities, as we let go of what we know and open to the new. Change, however we perceive it, requires courage, commitment and support from those who cheer us on and want us to succeed.

Three of my greatest strategies for getting back on track are surrender, prayer and asking for help from those I know will support and encourage me. So, with the latter in mind, I reached out to my friend in Italy, knowing she would do just that. Among her replies were the lyrics and video to this beautiful song, entitled “Hold It Up The Light” by the Smalltown Poets, which inspired and empowered me.

May it do the same for you!


Lyrics only:

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts. Just click on the “Leave a Comment” tab at the top of the page to leave your comments.

With Love,


If you found this week’s blog helpful, please share.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator. She is the author of “I Am the Treasure,” a book of inspirational poetry, and creator of “Harvest Your Light,” a guided meditation program. Theresa has created and facilitated workshops on stress management, work/life balance, intuition development and other topics for law firms, hospitals, higher education, and other organizations. Theresa specializes in helping her clients gain clarity and direction about their life paths and guides them in identifying and achieving their dreams. For more information, please visit Theresa’s website or contact her at


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To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page.

Embracing the Light, Plus Live Coaching Event   Leave a comment


This week’s blog continues with the theme of change – those we wish to make, and those aspects of our lives that remind us that there are places within us in need of discovery and growth. Like buds that push through the ground in spring, we have an opportunity to emerge from the darkness of winter, embrace the Light and dream again.

If would like a little daily inspiration, visit my Facebook page, where you’ll find tips and tools, inspirational messages, educational articles, and more. (Tip: Click “Like” at the top of the page to receive the posts.)

And, if you live in New York, or will be visiting the area, stop by The Red Pipe Cafe, located in Forest Hills, on Saturday, May 23rd for my upcoming Coffee and Coaching Event.  You can find more information about the event in the Announcements section at the end of the blog.


“You may have suffered a setback, but don’t sit around in self-pity. Tell your heart to beat again. Tell your heart to love again…Tell your heart to forgive again. Maybe a dream didn’t work out, but nothing will change if you just expect more of the same. Tell your heart to dream again.”               –  Joel Osteen

Making big changes (or even little ones!) can be daunting! Fear of the unknown is a biggie that affects all of us in varying degrees, and at different points in our lives. The question is: are you willing to stay stuck and let it stop you or are you ready to take steps to break free?

We move at our own pace. Some of us are turtles. We move slowly, wear protective shells and retreat when we sense danger or need time to evaluate. Others of us are like gazelles that spring forward and move at lightening speeds. The good news is  how quickly we move doesn’t matter. It’s taking consistent steps toward the lives we desire that make for lasting change.

Fear of uncertainty can tempt me to stop dead in my tracks and cause my imagination to run rampant, creating all kinds of commotion no man (or woman!) in his right mind would want to embark on, let alone make him want to leap into the void!

“What if’s…” are two little words that are enough to halt the cosmos and are huge dream stoppers, when we use them against, rather than for ourselves. Like a child that wakes in the night from a scary dream afraid of monsters, and whose parent turns on the light, the fear disappears when we wake up and discover there’s nothing there but the filters of our imaginations.

What helps each of us turn on the Light is unique to who we are and what fits us best in the moment. For me, it may be reading something inspirational, prayer, a walk in nature, meditation, reciting an affirmation or a call to a support person or friend. But the most helpful of all is surrender – letting go of fears and doubts, confusion and speculation, so I can reconnect to who I am and hear the voice of my intuition. Whatever the tools, we use them to remind us of who we are and that life is ours for the asking.

There may be times we retreat, or feel like we’re moving in reverse, but the opposite is true. We never stop growing or go back in time – like the bulbs that lie dormant in winter and bloom in spring, we are destined to evolve and flourish.

If you would like a tool to help you let go, you may find the following exercise helpful. Use it as written or modify it to fit your personal style. However you use it, may it help you to prosper and grow as you embrace the Light within you.

An Exercise in Letting Go: Releasing Your Fears to the Light

The Universal Light Box

  1. You will need a covered container or box for the exercise; small pieces of paper that can easily fit in the box, or index cards cut in quarters; and a pen. I suggest using a container or box that you find beautiful and pleasing to look at. If desired, you can let your creative juices flow and decorate it.
  2. Next, write each of your fears or concerns on separate pieces of paper, and include the date. Place them in your Light Box. Keep it short. A sentence works perfectly.
  3. You can continue to add concerns or fears to your Light Box as often as needed.
  4. As you put each concern into your Light Box, imagine releasing it to the care of the Universe. You might like to say a few words or a special prayer to help you let go, such as “I now release all of my cares and concerns to the Light,” although it’s not necessary.
  5. Then take a breath, let go and trust that the Universe is working in your favor.
  6. Empty your Light Box every month or so. Remove the concerns that you have released or that have been resolved and return the ones you are still concerned about to your Light Box and continue with the exercise.

As always, I would love to hear your comments!

With love,


Announcements: New Free Coaching Events

Free In-Person Coaching Sessions in Forest Hills, New York

Do you have a dream or goal you would like to realize, but are having a hard time doing it on your own? As a Certified Life Coach, my goal is to help you get from where you are to where you want to be!

If you live in New York, or plan to visit the city, stop by the Red Pipe Cafe, located in Forest Hills, for a free 30-minute coaching session. As I usually offer Introductory Coaching Sessions by telephone and Skype, this is a wonderful opportunity to connect in person. During our time together, you will:

* Identify your greatest goals and desires

* Discover what’s holding you back

* Create an action plan to move forward

Date:  Saturday, May 23 2015

Time:   1:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. (Last appointment is at 5:15 p.m.)

Location: Red Pipe Cafe, 71-60 Austin Street, Forest Hills, NY

Reservations aren’t necessary, but will guarantee your appointment. To schedule your free 30-minute coaching session, email

Don’t know your schedule? No worries. Walk-ins are welcome.
I look forward to seeing you there.

Have a friend who might be interested? Feel free to share.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator. She is the author of “I Am the Treasure,” a book of inspirational poetry, and creator of “Harvest Your Light,” a guided meditation program. Theresa has created and facilitated workshops on stress management, work/life balance, intuition development and other topics for law firms, hospitals, higher education, and other organizations. Theresa specializes in helping her clients gain clarity and direction about their life paths and guides them in identifying and achieving their dreams. For more information, please visit Theresa’s website or contact her at


Facebook at:



To sign up for Theresa’s mailing list, email or click the “Join My List” icon on her Facebook page.

Are “What If’s” Stopping You?   Leave a comment


On a scale of 1-10, with one having the least influence on how successful we our in accomplishing our dreams and goals and 10 the most influence on how successful we are, “What Iffing” ourselves is off the charts. This week, I’ll teach you a simple technique that will turn your “what if’s” into positive statements that will lift you to new levels of joy and fulfillment.

Faith is saying “yes” instead of no.” – Rev. Loretta Brooks

Are What If’s” holding you back? If so, I’ve got a remedy! But first, let’s have some fun and look at a few common scenarios:

Scenario Uno: You want a new job, having been unhappy for quite some time, but think you’re current job provides a safety net and gives you a sense of security. In a fret, your mind starts working overtime and puts the breaks on telling you “What if I get a new job and don’t like it.?” Or worse yet, “What if I get a new job and the company downsizes and lays me off or fires me?  While guarantees are never provided, you’ve just “what iffed” yourself out of a potential opportunity!

Scenario Due: You’re tired of sitting home alone on Saturday (or any!) night and have been thinking about trying an online dating site, but have heard they’re full of losers. You sign up anyway, despite your reservations (after all, it’s a free site!) and get a few responses. You’re hopes are up, you get excited, go on the date, and find it disappointing. Bummer. Feeling discouraged, you go home and cancel your subscription because “What if they’re all like that, I waste my time and get my hopes up for nothing?”

Scenario Tre: You would like to take a trip to someplace new and beautiful, but your friends can’t go and traveling solo is out of your comfort zone. You want to go, but your thoughts are off and running, scaring you! You listen as they tell you:  “What if I feel lonely or something terrible happens and I have no one there to help me?” Next thing you know, you’re back on the couch cuddled up with a movie and a bowl of popcorn.

Do you resonate? You’ve got to admit there’s a ring of truth in them (I know, because I’ve used a few!).  We all have our personal versions.

But what if your “what if’s” supported instead of deterred you? Let’s turn them on their heads and try a few!

“What if I get a new job and love it?”

“What if I meet some wonderful men (women) and wind up in an amazing relationship?

“What if I make some new friends and have fun traveling solo?”

What if you tried it?

Need help stretching your comfort zone? Email and learn about my Special Introductory Offer.

With love,


 If you know someone you may find this post helpful, please forward.   

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience in the healing field. She is the author of “I Am the Treasure,” a book of inspirational poetry, and creator of “Harvest Your Light,” a guided meditation program. Theresa has created and facilitated workshops on stress management, work/life balance, and other topics for law firms, hospitals, higher education and other organizations. Theresa specializes in helping her clients gain clarity and direction about their life paths and guides them in identifying and achieving their dreams. For more information, please visit Theresa’s website or contact her at

To join Theresa’s mailing list, and learn about special offers, click the “Join” icon on her Facebook page or email her at


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Coming Home: Bridging the Gap   Leave a comment


Are you in the midst of change and wondering what’s next in your life?  You’re not alone. Most, if not all of my clients and friends, tell me they are ready for something new, but are unclear about their life path and direction. I can identify. I’ve been there. And have gone through my own metamorphosis. I am here to assure you that you can bridge the gap between where you are now and where your heart desires to lead you.

Coming Home:  Bridging the Gap

“We are chemists in the laboratory of the Infinite
What, then, shall we create.”    

– Ernest Holmes

Ever struggle with trying to figure things out, only to experience greater conflict and confusion? The more we struggle, the further we drift from the answer.

Many years ago, I had a dream that I was in the ocean, but instead of swimming, I was drowning. I was living in Seattle at the time, unclear about my future and what to do in my next phase of life. I was trying to figure it all out and was in a state of confusion about where to live, whether to complete a course of study I had begun, and whether to continue in my profession or find a new type of work, among other lingering questions. (Can you relate?)

As I observed the dream, I saw myself, clearly and vividly, as if watching a movie –   arms flailing about above me, trying to stay afloat. I was far from the shore, with nothing and no one in sight to rescue me. I was panicking, and the more fearful I became, the more difficult to stay above the choppy water. As I watched the dream unfold, I could tell that my energy was weakening, and saw myself periodically sinking beneath the water’s surface. Then….out of nowhere, a thought occurred to me:  STOP STRUGGLING AND FLOAT.  I heeded the message, and as if coming to my senses, lay flat on my back, arms relaxed and lying quietly beside me. Suddenly, the water became clear and calm. Although still far from the shore, I could see land, and knew that I was safe.

I can see the dream in my mind’s eye as clearly as if it were yesterday.  A powerful lesson. Although I still forget, and my arms occasionally flail about as I try to ‘figure things out,’ I know there is an easier way, and as I let go of the struggle, I find it.

Many of us are grappling with the same questions today. Where to go, and what to do with the next phase of life. There are answers – dreams and desires that are still alive and active within you, waiting for the chance to rise to the surface, and guide you.

If you wish clarity and direction about the next phase of your life, it would be my pleasure to assist you. For more information, please email Theresa@reconnecting2you to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

Wishing you a beautiful, calm and delightful day!

With love,


If you know someone who might find this blog helpful, please forward…

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach and Reconnective Healing Practitioner with more than 25 years experience in the healing field.  She specializes in helping women in transition manage their stress and create greater health, happiness and fulfillment in their lives. For special offers and announcements, email Theresa and ask to be placed on her mailing list.


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To listen to my radio interview  “Make Room for the New and Create A Life You Love,” on Mind-Body-Spirit…Living a Holistic Life, click below.

The January Challenge! and “Act As If” Experiment   3 comments

I am always amazed when I look at the calendar (January 13 today!), and am in awe at how quickly the time seems to fly! Like you, I am excited by the possibilities that the new year offers and the gifts that it contains.

We all wish to live more abundant lives. Our yearly ritual of setting intentions and clarifying our dreams is a testament to our souls’ natural desire to expand and to grow.  And, while fear may slow us down at intermittent points along the way, it will never prevent us from yearning for a bigger life. To be, experience and express more of who we are.

So, how do we step into our dreams and out of the way during times of doubt or despair and allow our souls to give birth to our new visions and ideas? Like a gardener who wishes his crops to grow, we must cultivate and fertilize the ground in preparation for our visions to unfold.

As Ernest Holmes states in his wonderful book, Creative Mind and Success,

“…we must become the thing we want. We must see it, think it, realize it, before the creative power of Mind can work it out for us…we must train our thought to see only that which we wish to experience, and since we are growing into what we are mentally dwelling upon, we should put all small and insignificant thoughts and ideals out of our thinking and see things in a larger way. We must cultivate the habit of an enlarged mental horizon.”

But how, you may wonder, do we do this?

Listed below are five powerful steps to assist you in cultivating and growing your own inner garden. Together, these steps will help you to weed out old mental patterns and charge your consciousness with new mental energy that fertilize the ground for your dreams to bear fruit. But don’t take my word for it – give it a try and see what happens! I invite you to take the challenge!

The January “Act As If” Challenge & Experiment!

Experiment:  For the next 30 days…

1.  Do something every day that inspires you.

It could be prayer and meditation, inspirational reading, a walk in nature, taking photographs, writing, working on a project, painting, dancing, etc. Even five minutes a day is enough to free your creativity and connect to your Higher Mind.

2.  Don’t complain! (Probably the BIGGEST challenge!)

“Should” you catch yourself complaining – to yourself or someone else – simply notice, stop and redirect your attention to another thought, activity or conversation. It will help your friends, too!

3.  Keep a Gratitude Journal

Focusing on gratitude is more than a nice thing to do. It’s powerful. That which we appreciate and focus our attention on grows. Like giving nutrients to a plant, give thanks every day for all that you have and all that you have received – this could be as simple as a compliment or smile or something you consider more substantial that made you feel good. Be sure to include the ways you have brought joy and healing to others. Reread your entries every few days to remind yourself of all the Good you have both given and received.

4.  “Act as if” you already have want you want. Visualize it. Feel it. Experience It. Embrace it, with all of your senses, as if it is happening now. Do this every day! Twice a day will further prime the pump and up the ante! The feeling state is creative and will do wonders to enlarge your consciousness and shape your dreams.

5.  Feel the fear and do it anyway(R)!**

Fear comes in all shapes and sizes. Procrastination abounds! Suddenly that project you’ve been avoiding seems more intriguing than that exercise class you signed up for or writing your new book. Heck, even cleaning the refrigerator looks appealing! You get the picture. We’ve all been there. So, when  you notice yourself holding back, take a deep breath and reach out for support, if needed. Then, feel the fear and do it anyway!

Practicing any of these steps will help move you in the direction of your dreams and connect you to your Higher Mind. Utilizing a combination of these steps – or all of them – will put you on the fast track. Do what you can, and remember, should you falter or forget, you can always begin a new experiment! (Progress, not perfection!)

As a helpful reminder, print or write out these five life-changing steps and place them throughout your home and office. Keeping them in the forefront of your mind will increase the likelihood of implementing them.  When you forget, simply start over again! And remember to dream!

I would love to know how it goes!

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**Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (R) is a registered trademark of Susan Jeffers, Ph.D., which I have obtained permission to use.

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© Theresa Conti 2013

Theresa Conti is a Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Transformational Coach and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience in the healing field. For more information, please visit Theresa’s website at or email your questions to