Archive for the ‘Universal Intelligence’ Tag

Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool): The Universe Answers The Call   Leave a comment

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

I had just finished listening to an audio program on gratitude when my doorbell rang. I answered with “Pronto,” (an Italian phrase equal to saying “hello” in English when answering the telephone or Campanello di casa). It was a courier delivering a book I had ordered on Amazon.

The audio program included many aspects of gratitude, including those I’ve often shared in my blogs. In addition to citing the benefits of having a gratitude practice, such as strengthening the immune system, reducing anxiety and improving sleep, the presenter also talked about general practices of gratitude, like being thankful for the sunlight, small pleasures, and appreciating the people around us.

Now, I’m really good at appreciating others for the gifts and blessings they provide me, including their friendship, support, generosity, and the general sense of well-being I receive from knowing them. What struck me, however, was the presenter’s suggestion to turn the process around by noticing what people appreciate about me. Duh! A novel idea! So, at the end of the program, I decided to pay more attention and take in the good feelings of being appreciated by others. The universe never ceases to amaze!

So, after buzzing the delivery man in, I went down to the ground floor to meet him and retrieve my package. He asked me where I was from, and when he pursued the conversation, I told him I speak just a little Italian. That’s where the serendipity came in! It turned out that he’s originally from Naples and speaks perfect English. We had a short, though delightful conversation about places we’ve lived or visited. The kicker? At the end of our chat he told me that he would like to talk more and that he was so happy to meet me! We decided to have a coffee sometime in the future!

I climbed the four flights of stairs back up to my apartment with a smile from ear to ear. I took in the good feelings of being appreciated and let them saturate my body. The universe certainly delivers!


This week, pay attention to the way the universe supports you.

What have you been wanting?

Asking for?

Are you open to receiving it?

If not, ask the universe for healing whatever’s in the way.

Then, begin developing an awareness for the good in your life by recognizing the small things that are coming your way.

Take a moment to stop and give thanks for them.

Let the good feelings soak down into your body.

What we appreciate, appreciates, both within our lives and as resources we grow within us.

A - Appreciate

For more resources, please check out my books on Amazon.

As always, I’d love to hear about your experience, should you decide to try the process.

With love, Theresa




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Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool): Intention or Attachment?   Leave a comment


I’ve been reading a wonderful book, entitled  Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, by Dr. Joe Dispensa, a chiropractor who received post graduate training in neurology, neuroscince, brain function and cellular biology.

I first met Dr. Joe, as he’s affectionately known, in Munich, Germany, while attenting a conference on Reconnective Healing. Dr. Joe was one of the presenters. His quote about surrender popped out at me while riding the subway this morning. As always, it was such a great reminder! You can read it in the TNT below.

Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Intention or Attachment?

“The universial intelligence that animates the existence of all things will both surprise and delight you.” 

– Dr. Joe Dispensa

We are all familiar with setting intentions – the vision of what we wish our lives to be.

While studying to be a Practitioner at the Center of Spiritual Living, I learned the power of Affirmative Prayer and the process of visioning: We name what we want, we embody it on a feeling level, and release it. When we are in alignment with what we want, on a thinking and feeling level, this three-step process can work miracles in our lives. I’ve seen the power of affirmative prayer in my life, and in the lives of my clients and friends.

If you haven’t experienced the art of deliberate creation, you may not be on a vibrational level equipment to what you want and/or may be attached to the outcome of how you want the universe’s response to appear.  The later is a dream killer.

In his book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Dr. Joe Dispensa has this to say:

     “You can’t both surrender and try to control the outcome. Surrender requires that you give up what you think you know from your limited mind, especially your belief about how this problem in your life should be taken care of.  To truly surrender is to let go of the ego’s control; trust in an outcome that you haven’t thought of yet; and allow this all-knowing, loving intelligence to take over and provide the best solution for you. You  must come to the understanding that this invisible power is real, fully conscious of you, and can completely take care of any aspect of the personality. When you do, it will organize your life in a way that is just right for you.”

The last sentence is a tenet of both Reconnective Healing and Affirmative Prayer. In Reconnective Healing, we show up, ready and willing to observe our experience and let the Universe design the healing that’s right for us; in Affirmative Prayer, we declare what we want, and let go of the how. It’s all a part of letting go and surrendering.

The next time you envision, or pray for something you want, – a physical healing, a relationship, or financial abundance, imagine yourself opening to the Universe responding in a way that’s different than you think.

With love, Theresa

To schedule a complimentary 30-minute coaching consultation, or to schedule a Reconnective Healing appointment, email

Theresa@reconnecting2you.comTheresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator with more than 25 years experience. Theresa specializes in helping her clients manage their stress, realize their dreams, and create healthier, happier, more fulfilling lives.  To learn more, visit Theresa’s website or email her at


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