Archive for the ‘Vibrational Frequencies’ Tag

Wednesday’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) Want vs. Need – A Matter of Frequencies   Leave a comment


Tired of struggling? Would you like to experience greater joy or abundance in your life? This weeks TNT will show you how to increase your vibrational frequency, so you can attract more of what you want.

Wednesday’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool): Want vs. Need – A Matter of Frequencies

“Want can start people on the road to achievement. Desire can become a springboard to higher levels of consciousness.” – David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Want and need elicit different vibrational frequencies.

Want delivers a message to the Universe based on openness and desire. It paints a picture and creates a vibration of allowing, to which the Universe can (and will) respond.

Need is based on a belief (or a feeling) that something is lacking. It shuts our vibrational circuitry down and makes it difficult for the Universe to respond, as our vibrational frequency is out of alignment with who we are and what we want.

Don’t take my word for it. Try it. The difference is palpable.

Close your eyes and think of something you want or think you need. Then, say the following two sentences aloud, and see how you feel after each:

Step 1:

“I want__________ (fill in the blank).” (E.g. a baby, a new job, good health, a relationship, etc.)

Notice how it feels in your body.

Step 2:

Next, take a breath and repeat the sentence, using the same object, only this time replace the word “want” with the word “need.”

“I need__________(fill in the blank). (E.g. a baby, a new job, good health, a relationship, etc.)

Notice how it feels when you say it.

Step 3:

Lastly, write one or two words to describe the feeling(s) you experienced after each sentence. Which do you prefer?

Try replacing the word “need” with “want’ for the next week and see what happens.

As always, I would love to hear your comments. Just click on the “Leave a Comment” tab next to the blog title to comment.

With love,


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Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator. She helps her clients identify and realize their greatest dreams and desires and create happier, healthier more fulfilling lives. For more information about Theresa’s coaching programs or Reconnective Healing services, please visit her website, email her at or contact her at 917-478-1722.


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