Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) How To Increase Your Happiness   Leave a comment


Did you know you could change the hardwiring in your brain to increase your level of happiness? Neuropsychologists are showing us how!

Theresa’s TNT (Tip ‘N Tool) How To Increase Your Happiness

“What we appreciate, appreciates.” – Dr. Jean Houston

Our ability to enjoy our lives and experience happiness depends, in part, on our ability to recognize and take in the good.

Whether we recognize them or not, research shows that on average, we experience many more positive moments during the day than negatives ones. While our brains are hardwired for survival, based on our ancestral origins, we no longer need fear lions, tigers and bears. Yet, we often act as though we do.

In his book, Hardwiring Happiness, Rick Hanson, Ph.D., a neuropsychologist, tells us that with practice we can indeed change the hardwiring in our brains. One exercise that may ring familiar is to begin recognizing the things that make you feel good and the positive experiences that show up in your everyday life. A compliment from a friend, a note of appreciation from a client or employer, an unexpected win or an invitation to an event. What makes this seemingly small practice so powerful is taking a moment to relax and soak in the good feelings when they occur. In other words, don’t discount or brush aside the positive experience or good feelings aside. Invite them in.

Try this simple exercise to increase your happiness:

Start by assessing your current level of happiness. For instance, on a scale of 1-10, with one feeling no happiness at all and 10 feeling extremely happy, how would you rate your level of happiness?

Next, when positive emotions arise, stop and take note of how you feel. Notice any sensations in your body. Take a breath and welcome the good feelings in.

Do the practice for a week or two, then repeat the assessment. Notice any changes.

Like a gratitude practice, noticing the good things that happen in our daily lives, helps us refocus our attention and create greater health, happiness and fulfillment.

As always, I would love to know how it goes!

With love,


Note: Theresa’s TNT’s will be moving to Sunday. Please keep an eye out, and if you find the tools helpful, share them with a friend. They just may thank you!

What would you like support increasing your happiness?

Email and schedule a 30-Minute Complimentary Consultation. It would be my pleasure to serve you.

Theresa Conti is a Certified Life Coach, Reconnective Healing® Practitioner and Workshop Facilitator with 25 years experience. Theresa’s passion is helping her clients realize their dreams and use their stress as an opportunity for positive change. To learn more, visit Theresa’s website or email her at


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